USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Development

New USAID Policy on Youth in Development

Those of us who are parents know that the sun and moon rise around our children. To those of us who are in development, we know that young people have the strength to move the sun and the moon… and sometimes more.

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Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society

New video from last month’s Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society event, featuring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Joyce Banda of Malawi, and journalist Nicholas Kristof.

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Humanitarian Aid in a Changing World

Have you ever wondered how the international humanitarian response system actually works in practice? How is life-saving assistance provided to people caught up in conflicts, natural disasters and other crises when the capacity of their governments to respond is outstripped?  How many agencies are on standby? How much does it cost to respond to some [...]

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Youth Call to Action

“We have to develop today the leaders for tomorrow,” said President Jahjaga of Kosovo during the USAID Frontiers In Development forum opening plenary entitled Development, Democracy, and Global Security in the 21stCentury. This statement resonated with the delegation of young people from across the globe participating in the event. These students comprised young African innovators, [...]

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Democracy and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, and Carol Lancaster, Dean of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Affairs spoke today at USAID’s Frontiers in Development Forum. Below is an excerpt from their contribution to the Frontiers in Development essays. Twenty-five years ago, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was a region of despair. Outside of Botswana and Mauritius, democracy [...]

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USAID Complex Crises Funds Reinvigorate Agriculture in Sri Lanka

Farmer-returnees empowered to develop livelihoods, support their families, and participate positively in their communities. Recently, I visited one of the agriculture programs supported by USAID in the northern region of Sri Lanka where the most intense fighting took place between the Sri Lankan security forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). More than [...]

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Reconciling the Sri Lanka of the Past and Present

One of the highlights of my recent trip through South Asia was returning to Sri Lanka.  The entire journey through the subcontinent was intense, with meetings scheduled back-to-back from 7 A.M. well into the late evening, including working lunches and dinners. Yet despite the busy schedule, it was a wonderful opportunity to see up close [...]

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My 2012 Annual Letter: Elevating Development within America’s Foreign Policy

About a year ago, I decided to write an annual letter to share some of the work our Agency does saving lives and improving human welfare around the world. I also wanted to describe some of the priorities we’ve set and tough choices we’ve made in order to deliver meaningful results for and on behalf [...]

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An Alliance for Global Development

Originally posted on the White House Blog.  When Prime Minister Cameron meets President Obama in Washington today it will have been ten months since our two countries signed a new Partnership for Global Development. The partnership outlines specific areas where we are focusing our collective efforts, reaffirming our commitment to saving lives and improving human [...]

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Translating Words into Action – USAID’s Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy

In 2002 while working at the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), I oversaw the completion of a report for the USAID-funded WIDTech project, a five-year $10 million dollar initiative to provide technical assistance on gender integration in USAID bureaus and missions. The report outlined how successful gender integration must start with sector-specific goals [...]

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