Nigeria Expanded Exports Program (NEEP)

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The Government of Nigeria has signaled its interest in building the non-oil sector with a focus on diversification of exports. Agriculture is perceived as a key sector for growth and an important option for export diversification.

Exporting is a high cost, unpredictable business in Nigeria. Potential exporters lack adequate information on export documentation and procedures; exporting processes are time consuming, cumbersome and poorly coordinated. There is also low knowledge and capacity among Nigerian enterprises regarding international quality standards and opportunities for marketing products abroad. Poor access to finance and an inefficient transport infrastructure plus governance issues are seen as major impediments. All these are some of the challenges to successful exporting in Nigeria.

To increase the number of value-added non-oil exports and expands trade with regional and international trading partners, including the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the United States, the Nigeria Expanded Exports Program (NEEP) provides targeted technical assistance to exporting enterprises in selected Nigerian sectors.

In addition, NEEP compliments existing efforts of the Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC) and other U.S. Government-assisted programs, including the West Africa Trade Hub and the Maximizing Agricultural Revenues and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (MARKETS) project, by assisting participating exporters in four service areas: market intelligence, technical assistance, business-to-business (B2B) linkages, and access to finance. Further, NEEP uses international and local experts to increase exports of Nigerian goods in priority sectors; improve access to finance for exporting enterprises; and increase exports from priority value chains.In 2010, NEEP successfully organized technical workshops and seminars for Nigerian exporters and enterprises with export interest. To date, over 108 enterprises are registered with NEEP; 354 participants have received training from NEEP-organized trainings; 14 firms have built their capacity to export; and over 80 businesses have been reached through targeted export trade finance workshops.


  • Project Name: Nigeria Expanded Exports Program (NEEP)
  • Implementing partner: DAI/Nathan Group
  • Program Budget: US $2,000,000
  • Life of program: September 2009 to August 2011
  • Coverage: Export-ready enterprises nation wide
  • Priority sectors: Shea butter, Cashew, Home furnishings, processed foods products, Garments and Leather products.