News Stories

U.S. Ambassador Launches Project to Improve Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in the Private Sector

United States Ambassador Terence McCulley launching the SPSFPRH project
 Ambassador McCulley inspecting healthcare literature during the launch
On February 23, United States Ambassador Terence McCulley was joined by senior federal and state level Government of Nigeria officials in Lagos to launch the Strengthening Private Sector Family Planning and Reproductive Health project. This five-year project aims to increase the role of Nigeria’s private health care providers in provision of quality family planning and reproductive health services to Nigerians. The total estimated cost of the project is US$15.4 million. It will be executed in Lagos, Kano and Kaduna States

U.S. Ambassador Visits USAID Supported Aquaculture Projects in Oyo State

Alhaji A.O Bello, Sharon Pauling, Terence McCulley, Kayode Faleti, Alhaja Bello

On February 2, 2012, the United States Ambassador Terence McCulley visited USAID’s Bridge to Maximizing Agricultural Revenue and Key Enterprises in Targeted Sites (BtM2) agribusiness partner, Azemor Agribiz in Ibadan, Oyo State.

Azemor Fish Farm is an integrated production and processing facility which produces higher quality catfish and raises small farmers’ incomes by teaching them how produce smoked fish.

USAID Assistance in Water Helps Raise Bauchi State Revenues

a child holds a glass of clean water

Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA) promotes innovative reforms and sustainable financing for safe water and sanitation in Africa.

Click here to learn more about the work that SUWASA is doing in Nigeria.


Malaria Faces a Tough Challenge with the Launch of MAPS in Nigeria

Ambassador McCulley, USAID Mission Director Dana Mansuri and Mrs.Dooshima Suswan

Fighting Malaria scourge in Nigeria is taking a different dimension as a new Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS) was launched in Abuja by the U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria Terence McCulley on December 6.
Seven states—Zamfara, Ebonyi, Benue, Oyo, Nasarawa, Cross River and one other to be identified in the future—are participating in the new U.S. Government health initiative.

International Disability Day Marked with Advocacy and Symposium

USAID Mission Director Dana Mansuri and Governor Tanko Al-Makura
Governor Tanko Al-Makura and others at the  march to the National Assembly

On December 6, 2011, USAID implementing partner, International Republican Institute, and the Nigerian National Human Rights Commission supported the Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD) to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities with advocacy activities.  A peaceful walk to Nigeria’s National Assembly was held by JONAPWD to present a petition calling for the swift passage of the Disability Bill into law.  Present during the walk was the Governor Tanko Al- Makura of Nasarawa state and Senator Bode Olajumoke, w

Women will no longer die giving birth - An initiative by three volunteers

Hauwa Baba learns to listen to listen to fetal heart sound using a fetoscope
Weighing a new born baby at Boto Health Center, Bauchi State.
Having witnessed the risks associated with deliveries from home as well as a shortage of manpower at the Boto general hospital in Bauchi state, 45 year old Hauwa Bala (and two other women) offered to assist health services providers to improve services provided to clients at Boto health facility. Hauwa gave birth to all of her ten children (she lost two) at home using traditional herbs with assistance from a traditional birth attendant.

Expanded Social Marketing Project Launched in Nigeria

Ambassador McCulley and Professor Chukwu
ABUJA -- The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is partnering with the Society for Family Health, Nigeria, Association for Family and Reproductive Health, BBC World Service Trust and Population Services International to implement a new project; the Expanded Social Marketing Project in Nigeria (ESMPIN). This project is a 5-year $56.3 Million USAID funded project that began in April 5, 2011.

"Food Security is Everyone's Responsibility"

Prewitt and Gudugi
What is the best way forward to improve food security in Nigeria? For Nigerian farmers to see farming as a business and to reduce dependence on government and donors.
Nigerian producers must become more competitive in order to compete with imports and to effectively export.

USAID/Nigeria Mission Director Discusses Taraba State Priorities with Governor Suntai

Dana Mansuri and Governor Danbaba Danfulani Suntai
USAID Mission Director, Dana Mansuri, welcomed Taraba State Governor Danbaba Danfulani Suntai to USAID’s Offices in Abuja on October 24 where he discussed priorities and challenges for development of Taraba State.
Governor Suntai, who is in the sixth month of his second four-year term, said although USAID may find working in Taraba very challenging, the State has great potential to raise agricultural production, exploit mineral deposits, harness hydro-electric power and develop tourism. He said his Administration is working very hard to create a favor

Dana Mansuri: USAID Director for Nigeria

Ms. Mansuri has served with USAID for almost 20 years in a variety of positions. She completed her assignment as Deputy Mission Director to Jordan in June 2011, serving the final 9 months of her tour as the Acting Mission Director. Previous to her assignment in Jordan, Ms.