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Jacksonville Community Outreach

Jacksonville Community Outreach

Jacksonville, like each of the FBI’s local field offices, has a community outreach program that complements and strengthens our many efforts to protect you, your businesses, and your families in concrete ways through a range of activities and initiatives. 

Our efforts include:

  • Serving as a catalyst for initiating community and municipal participation in planning and implementation of effective approaches to the community’s crime, gang, drug, civil rights, and violent crime problems;
  • Partnering to strengthen the connection between local law enforcement and the community by establishing working relationships with local, state, and federal law enforcement (i.e., school resource officers and community policing organizations);
  • Developing and supporting the FBI Citizens’ Academy program in the division and resident agency territories by providing resources, training, information, and assistance throughout the Academy;
  • Building partnerships with national and local ethnic and minority groups and organizations;
  • Sharing information with the community to build awareness on the FBI’s mission and the Jacksonville Community Outreach Program;
  • Establishing a network of resources throughout the division (i.e., religious, civic organizations, etc.);
  • Serving on community task forces, committees, and special focus groups;
  • Providing speeches, training, and assistance in the development and growth of the FBI’s national partnerships at the local level;
  • Addressing local communities, associations, school assemblies, and student groups concerning the community’s crime, gang, drug, civil rights, and other emerging crime problems; and
  • Developing and supporting youth based initiatives such as Adopt-a-School and providing information sessions regarding crime and Internet safety for school personnel.

Our ongoing community outreach programs include:

Citizens Academy

In the fall of 2011, we held our latest Citizens’ Academy, bringing together a cross section of 30 community leaders to learn firsthand about our operations and programs, not only demystifying our work but creating new contacts and channels for working together and sharing information. The class graduated on November 4, 2011. View a gallery of photos from the session by using the View Gallery button on the image below.

Citizens Academy student Kimberly Sisisky (second from left) applauds with fellow students after a presentation during a 
October 18, 2011, class session at the FBI Jacksonville Field Office.

Learn more about the program and the Citizens’ Academy Alumni Association.

Community Relations Executive Seminar Training (CREST)

The FBI CREST is a shorter, more focused version of the Citizens’ Academy, conducted in partnership with a community group at an offsite location. CREST provides attendees with an overview of FBI and Department of Justice policies, procedures, and investigative programs. Attendees are also encouraged to participate in a discussion of issues relevant to the community. The CREST program is 8-10 hours long and is conducted in one day or over a three-week period.


FBI Jacksonville employees participate in a collaborative community outreach initiative with elementary schools called “Adopt-a-School.” Volunteer employees participate in various youth mentoring activities, such as reading to students, leading book drives, and providing education on topics like Internet safety and career and life choices.

Director’s Community Leadership Award

In 2011, we awarded our annual Director’s Community Leadership Award to Valerie Stanley, the director of First Coast Child Protection Team (CPT), for her significant contributions to investigations of crimes against children in Northeast Florida.

Previous winners

Learn more about the Director’s Community Leadership Award and how winners are selected.

FBI-Safe Online Surfing (SOS) Program 

The FBI-SOS (Safe Online Surfing) Internet Challenge teaches students and parents about Internet safety. The program helps students recognize and avoid potential dangers associated with the Internet, including services such as discussion boards, instant messaging, social networking sites, and chat rooms. It also carefully addresses such serious topics as seduction, child pornography, solicitation, exploitation, obscenity, and online predators. The FBI-SOS program administrators support and respect each family’s right to decide whether or not their child may participate in the program.

Charitable Partnerships

The Jacksonville Division has a partnership with the Jacksonville-based “Dreams Come True” non-profit organization dedicated to fulfilling the dreams of children with life-threatening illnesses. To be eligible, a child must have a life-threatening illness such as cancer, leukemia, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, AIDS, cardiac disease, renal dysfunction, or a neurological disorder; be between the age of two-and-a-half and 18; be referred by his or her physician; and live in or be treated in Florida’s First Coast and surrounding areas. More than 2,000 children have participated in the “Dreams Come True” program locally.

The Hate Crimes Working Group

The number one priority in our Civil Rights Program is the investigation and prevention of hate crimes. To that end, the Jacksonville Division participates in a collaborative effort with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office called the Hate Crimes Work Group. The goal is to improve compliance with hate crimes reporting requirements and to deter hate crimes through community awareness.

Public Safety/Awareness Fairs

The Jacksonville Division hosts Safety Awareness fairs for the public that provide information on various topics—including Internet and personal safety, stranger-danger, and career and life choices—as well as to promote the FBI’s anti-drug and anti-drinking messages.

Requesting Bureau Speakers

The Jacksonville FBI Division may be able to furnish a speaker for your educational, civic, or workplace-based organization. To request a speaker for your event, class, or group, please contact the community outreach specialist at least four weeks prior to the event date.

Please submit the request on official business letterhead to FBI Jacksonville, Attention: Community Outreach Program, 6061 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32256. Due to the limited number of speakers available and our often time-sensitive investigative responsibilities, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.

Be sure to include the following information in your request letter:

  • Your name and contact information (telephone, e-mail, address, etc.)
  • Your organization or business;
  • The topic you wish our speak to cover;
  • The approximate date/time of your event;
  • The type and location of the event; and
  • The estimated number of guests expected.

Red Ribbon Week

The Jacksonville Division also supports the Red Ribbon Week drug awareness campaign established in honor of Drug Enforcement Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, who was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by drug traffickers in Mexico in 1985.

The mission of the Red Ribbon Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a drug-free America. During the week of October 23-October 31, participants wear red or red ribbons to show their support for the fight against illegal drugs.

Additional Resources: