Jan 18 2013

Senator McConnell's eNewsletter -- January 18, 2013

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January 18, 2013

Senator McConnell Visits Israel and Afghanistan

Senator McConnell led a Congressional delegation of four other U.S. Senators on a trip to Israel and Afghanistan this week. While in Israel, Senator McConnell met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the continued threat to both the United States and Israel posed by Iran and its nuclear program.

Senator McConnell meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

While in Afghanistan, Senator McConnell met with troops from Kentucky, as well as other U.S. military officials to discuss political, economic and security issues affecting bilateral and regional relations. During his visit, Senator McConnell held discussions with General John Allen, Commander of the International Security Assistance Force.

Senator McConnell meets with troops from Kentucky

Senator McConnell has dinner with troops from Kentucky

After returning, Senator McConnell said: “This is the first time I’ve come back from Afghanistan with genuine optimism. From General Allen, the commander of our forces in Afghanistan, throughout the military leadership there is a widely held view that the Afghans will be able to maintain their own security after 2014 with one important proviso: that we need to have a residual force here that will be involved in training and counterterrorism.”

He continued: “Based upon what I learned on this trip, I’m optimistic that this country will be able to maintain itself after we are largely gone.”

Senator McConnell talks with troops from Kentucky

Senator McConnell talks with troops from Kentucky

Click HERE to read an article about Senator McConnell's trip that appeared in the Courier-Journal.

Click HERE to read an article about Kentuckians who are serving in the armed forces in Afghanistan.

In the News

Senator McConnell wrote an op-ed for Kentucky newspapers about the fiscal cliff. In it, he wrote: “I had to try to do something to prevent Kentucky families from incurring massive income-tax hikes. Voters may have reelected President Obama, but my constituents didn’t, and I wasn’t willing to force Kentucky families to pay a $2,000 price so we could make a political point.”

Click HERE to read more.

Senator McConnell also wrote an op-ed for the National Review Online about the upcoming debt-limit debate in Washington.  In the op-ed, Senator McConnell wrote: “For too long, the president and his congressional allies have been content to impose their legislative will through hurried, last-minute deals that keep public scrutiny and tough votes to a minimum. As a result, our fiscal problems remain unaddressed, and the prospect of a European-style economic calamity here in the U.S. becomes likelier every day. This is why Republicans have insisted that any request to raise the federal debt limit be accompanied by serious reforms — because it’s the only way we’ll solve the problem.”

Click HERE to read more.

Visiting with Kentuckians

Senator McConnell was the featured speaker at Commerce Lexington’s Public Policy Luncheon this afternoon. The Senator spoke about his recent trip to Afghanistan and Israel as well as our nation's debt. Senator McConnell took questions from members of the audience who asked about topics ranging from the fiscal cliff to the Farm Bill.

Senator McConnell also visited with staff and physicians at Georgetown Community Hospital today. While there, he talked to them about Obamacare and the impact the law will have on the hospital and its patients.

Coming Up...

Senator McConnell sat down with WKYT's Bill Bryant to discuss the debt ceiling, taxes and other pressing issues for this weekend's Kentucky Newsmakers program. Be sure to check your local listings for air times.

Traveling to Washington

Are you planning a trip to Washington, D.C. in the future? Be sure to check out Senator McConnell’s website HERE to get information on tours of historic landmarks such as the White House, U.S Capitol, and the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.  Many tours must be requested several months in advance. We hope you will stop by Senator McConnell’s office while you are in town!

Keeping Up With Senator McConnell

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