Jan 25 2013

Senator McConnell's eNewsletter - - January 25, 2013

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January 25, 2013

Kentuckians March for Life

Senator McConnell was honored to speak to the hundreds of Kentuckians who traveled to Washington this week to participate in the annual March for Life Rally marking the 40th Anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Senator McConnell speaks to members of Kentucky Right to Life

During the Kentucky Right to Life Breakfast this morning, Senator McConnell said: "Our country may still be divided on the issue of life, but I believe we are gaining ground. Recent data shows that both the number and rate of abortions has dropped to an all-time low since 1973. That is good news.

"And much of the credit must go to you, the movement that has advocated relentlessly for a culture that respects the sanctity of life. However, the tragic news is that in 2009, the most recent year for which the federal Centers for Disease Control have released data, over 780,000 abortions took place in the United States.

"We cannot stop now. Washington being what it is, this fight will continue."

March for Life Rally

Read Senator McConnell's full remarks HERE.

McConnell Calls on President to Curb Washington Spending Problem

Senator McConnell spoke on the Senate floor this week about the need for bipartisan action from the President to solve Washington’s out-of-control spending problem. He said: “So today, I’d like to do my part to bring the President and his allies in Congress a little closer to earth. I know it may be hard for them to accept, but the reality is this: We have a spending problem. Not a taxing problem; a spending problem.”

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He continued: "Here’s the reality the President needs to face, and quickly: there is no realistic way to raise taxes high enough to even begin to address this problem. That’s why Republicans are saying that we need to start controlling spending now. And that’s why, if the President wants to do something good right now, he should put aside the liberal wish-list, put aside the character attacks, and join us in this great task."

Click HERE to read Senator McConnell's full remarks.

Welcome to Washington!

Senator McConnell welcomed members of the Kentucky State Police and Louisville Metro Police Department to our nation’s capital this week. The police officers were in Washington to assist with the President’s inauguration.

Senator McConnell with the Louisville Metro Police Department

Senator McConnell welcomed several faculty members and students from Louisville’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary who traveled to Washington this week to participate in the March for Life Rally.

Senator McConnell with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Dean Russell Moore

Members of Kentucky One Health also met with Senator McConnell to give him an update on their hospital and discuss ways to be innovative in their health care delivery model.

Senator McConnell with Kentucky One Health

In Case You Missed It...

Senator McConnell appeared on WKYT’s Kentucky Newsmakers over the weekend to discuss the debt ceiling, government spending and the Senator's recent trip to Afghanistan.

Senator McConnell and Bill Bryant

On January 18, Senator McConnell spoke at Commerce Lexington’s Public Policy Luncheon about his recent trip to Afghanistan and Israel and our nation’s debt.  Senator McConnell also visited with members of the Scott County Farm Bureau to discuss the Senator's work to permanently prevent a massive increase in the death tax, which would have especially harmed Kentucky farmers and their families.

Below are photos from Senator McConnell’s visits:

Senator McConnell addresses members of Lexington Commerce

Senator McConnell meets with farmers in Scott County

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