Press Releases

Feb 06 2013

Senator McConnell Supports National Right to Work Act

Washington, DC – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement Wednesday regarding the National Right to Work Act, which was introduced by Senator Rand Paul.

“As working class Americans continue to face daunting challenges to provide for their families, I believe the federal government has an obligation to ensure every American has the right to choose whether they want to spend part of their paycheck to support a union. The right to work should not be negotiable but unfortunately there are still twenty-six states across the country that turn a blind eye towards forced union membership. It is long past time that the federal government remedy this problem. If states like Michigan, with its proud tradition of organized labor, can look their problems in the face and address them by passing meaningful Right to Work legislation, then it is high time for the federal government to act. I proudly support the National Right to Work Act and will work with my friend Sen. Rand Paul to do all I can to ensure it receives a vote.” 

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