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Obama Calls for Libya’s Qadhafi to Leave Power Now

Obama Calls for Libya’s Qadhafi to Leave Power Now

27 February 2011

President Obama calls on Libya’s leader, Muammar Qadhafi, to leave power now, saying that he and his government must be held accountable for violating the human rights and brutalization of the Libyan people.

In speaking with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on February 26, Obama shared his deep concern about the Libyan government’s continued violation of human rights and brutal treatment of the Libyan people and said the use of violence against the Libyan people calls into question the legitimacy of Qadhafi’s rule, the White House said.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton further amplified the president’s position, saying that it is clear the Libyan people want Qadhafi out of power.

“We have always said that the Qadhafi government’s future is a matter for the Libyan people to decide, and they have made themselves clear,” Clinton said February 26.  “When a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence against his own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country by leaving now.”

“Qadhafi has lost the confidence of his people and he should go without further bloodshed and violence,” she added.

It is the first time that Obama administration officials have directly called on Qadhafi to step down from his 42 years in power. The call comes as the United States has imposed new financial and travel sanctions on Qadhafi, his regime and his family along with 10 of his closest supporters and associates.

Libya has been seized with civil strife that began with a nonviolent revolt against the government on February 15.  Now most of the eastern half of the North African nation, which faces the Mediterranean Sea and is bordered by Tunisia and Egypt, is under control of rebelling Libyans, but street fighting and protests have spread to the borders of the Libyan capital city, Tripoli.

Clinton is leaving on February 27 for Geneva, where she will confer with foreign ministers from the European Union, Russia and other powers — including envoys from Arab and African nations — on further actions. She will make a speech February 28 before the U.N. Human Rights Council on the worsening crisis in Libya and status of its government. It will be the first time that a U.S. secretary of state has addressed the Human Rights Council.

Before leaving for Geneva, Clinton also held consultations by telephone with EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and other European allies.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will visit the White House February 28 for talks with Obama. Obama also spoke with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and other leaders during the day on February 25.

Obama told reporters February 25 that the “Libyan government’s continued violation of human rights, brutalization of its people, and outrageous threats have rightly drawn the strong and broad condemnation of the international community.”

The United States has imposed specific visa bans on senior Libyan officials and their families and will reject any new visa applications from them.  A freeze has been imposed on all Libyan assets in the United States that belong to Qadhafi, his government, four children and associates.  The United States has also closed its embassy in Tripoli and suspended some limited defense trade between the two nations.

Obama said that the United States “will stand steadfastly with the Libyan people in their demand for universal rights, and a government that is responsive to their aspirations.  Their human dignity cannot be denied.”


The U.N. Security Council voted 15-0 on February 26 to impose political and financial sanctions on Qadhafi, his supporters and his government in a move intended to impose immediate measures to stop the violence, ensure accountability and provide humanitarian assistance to the Libyan people.

Additionally, the U.N. Security Council measure is the first unanimous resolution that refers the case of “heinous human rights violations to the International Criminal Court,” says U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice.

“It’s very significant that the council has acted so swiftly, and in unanimity around what are some outrageous and heinous crimes that are being committed by the government of Libya against its own people,” Rice told reporters following the Security Council action.  “Those who slaughter civilians will be held personally accountable.”

The U.N. sanctions also impose a strong arms embargo and takes steps against the use of mercenaries by the Libyan government to attack its own people, Rice told reporters.