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Amb. Rice on Reinstatement of Libya to U.N. Human Rights Council

Amb. Rice on Reinstatement of Libya to U.N. Human Rights Council

18 November 2011

November 18, 2011

Statement by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on the Reinstatement of Libya to the UN Human Rights Council, November 18, 2011

The reinstatement of Libya to the UN Human Rights Council marks the start of a new opportunity for the Libyan people. The General Assembly’s unanimous suspension of Libya nearly nine months ago was an extraordinary and historic response to a vicious, indiscriminate campaign of violence by the Qadhafi regime. With strong support from nations in the Middle East and every region of the world, the international community demonstrated that it would not turn a blind eye to one ruler’s shameful treatment of his own people.

Today’s reinstatement is a significant achievement for the Human Rights Council, which demonstrated commendable leadership in requesting Libya’s suspension. It is also a strong step towards regularization of Libya’s role in the international system and a statement of solidarity with the Libyan people, who have made extraordinary sacrifices to pursue an inclusive and democratic future that respects and protects human rights.