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Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1

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CDR Piotr SikoraSNMCMG1 crest. Please click on the image for a high resolution photoThe Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) is one of NATO`s two specialist Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Groups. It is a permanently established, multinational, sea going force of MCM vessels, on task continuously, to give NATO the ability to respond to a wide range of missions almost anywhere in the world.


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17 Jan 13

Poland Takes Command of NATO Mine Counter Measures Group

Cdr Piotr SikoraToday in Gdynia, Poland took command of the permanently established NATO Mine Countermeasures group 1 (SNMCMG1). The Change of Command ceremony took place on the Naval Base in Gdynia, Northern Poland. Commander Piotr Sikora (Polish navy) accepted Command of SNMCMG1 from his Belgian colleague, Commander Yvo Jaenen (Belgian navy).
On taking over the Group, Cdr Sikora said “
Taking responsibility for the NATO Mine counter measures force is a tremendous privilege for Poland and  is for me a source of great personal pride.  Over 40 years this force has been a tangible expression of NATO smart power.  Not only fulfilling a valuable mission in war and peace but also making a great contribution in the diplomatic sphere through engagement, exercises and visits".



18 Oct 12

SNMCMG1 successfully concludes
exercise Joint Warrior


During the last 2 weeks, the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 1 participated in the exercise Joint Warrior 12-2. In this UK-led, advanced tier 2 exercise, the SNMCMG1 was part of the Multi National Force led by COMNLMARFOR.

Main focus for the Mine Counter Measures (MCM) vessels was put on long-term MCM operations in a multi threat environment.

After a fruitful weekend in Faslane with initial briefings, the exercise started with a ‘swarmex’; an experimental tactic on countering the fiac threat. Continuing the exercise with force integration training, it ended with a 7 days tactical phase.

Sonar and video images of various recent and historical exercise mines identified by SNMCMG1During this last part the snmcmg1 conducted MCM operations on the approaches of and in a number of lochs like loch ewe and loch broom leading to Ullapool. While executing their primary role they were challenged and needed to cope with a constant air threat.   During Joint Warrior a lot of underwater contacts were found and identified by ROV-s or shipboard divers. In total 9 mines, 125 rocks, 1 uncharted wreck and 25 obstructors were identified; the electronic databases of the UK hydrographical Organization will be filled a little more!

 25 Sep 12

SNMCMG1 participates in exercise DANEX-NOCO


Continuing from port of Ghent, FGS Fulda, part of SNMCMG1, sailed to Frederikshavn (Denmark) and joined DANEX-NOCO (Danish Exercise-Northern Coast), a multi-national live exercise conducted at sea around the northern parts of Denmark, which provided excellent exercise opportunities offering a wide span of training activities for maritime units. Amongst more than 20 participating units were frigates, corvettes, MCMVs, fast patrol boats, several support ships and various types of aircraft.

DANEX-NOCOThe key task for the MCMV's embedded in the maneuver was mine hunting. DANEX/NOCO particularly offered great opportunities to practice joint maritime operations with other types of units thus complementing their capabilities.

DANEX-NOCODuring the first week of the maneuver the Force engaged in air defense exercises which were later peaked by multi target exercises with live shooting at air and surface targets at the same time. Aside from this time was used to practice basic seamanship like search and rescue operations, mailbag transfer and replenishment at sea as well as towing maneuvers.


DANEX-NOCODuring the second phase of DANEX-NOCO the group was tasked to conduct time restrained mine hunting in areas where practice mines of different sorts were especially laid. The challenge was even more amplified by the fact that the operating units of the Force at all times faced air, sea and asymmetric threats. With the assistance of protective units FGS Fulda and the other SNMCMG1 ships remained save. Ultimately the Force proved itself very capable to coordinate with various units of other nations, and successfully completed the assigned (exercise)mine hunting task.



 17 Sep 12

NATO Mine Countermeasures Capabilities: a pivotal Feature for the Alliance


On Sunday the 16th of September Rear Admiral Hank Ort, Chief of Staff of the Allied Maritime Command in Northwood visited the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measure Group 1 (SNMCMG1) during the port visit in Oslo, Norway. After a brief by the commander of the group Commander Yvo Jaenen of the Belgium navy, they visited the Estonian ESN Sakala and the Norwegian HNoMS Karmøy. Admiral Ort was informed about the latest techniques in countering maritime ordnances and he met with a number of crewmembers, who clearly enjoyed the port of Oslo but were very keen to get to sea again for their next UK exercise Joint Warrior.

Over dinner with all ships' commanders of SNMCMG1, Rear Admiral Ort congratulated them with the achievements of the group during the Danish-German led exercise Danex-Noco, where 7 historical explosive ordnances were taken out of sealanes in the west Baltic. These unexploded devices are often remainders of the second world war and do occasionly harm ships and crew to date.

"The group has proven over the last weeks to be very effective in countering mines, and are therefore delivering a very important service to the maritime community: 'safety at sea'. More generally, being able to exercise with this amount of ships from so many nations, contributes to maritime security in the long term and is a pivotal feature of the alliance" said rear admiral Ort.