Material Details

SRM 764a - Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder

Magnetic susceptibility, paramagnetic

Certificate - Certificate    MSDS - MSDS    Detail - Table

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Description:Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder
Lot: N/A
Expiration Date:  
Unit Price*: $848.00
Unit of Issue:3 mm dia. x 3.42 L
Status: Now Selling
Certificate Date: 11/13/2006
MSDS Date: 3/31/2012
Technical Contact:Robert Shull Email
Additional Information: N/A
Shipping Information
Perishable: No
Hazardous Material: No
Material Hazard Class: N/A
Measurand Data
- Certified values are normal font
- Reference values are italicized
- Values in parentheses are for information only

The certificate is the only official source for values and uncertainties.
Table 309.8 - Magnetic Moment  Additional Information >>
  Parameter Value
  Certified Value 1.268 × 10-8 m3/kg ± 0.004 × 10-8
m3/kg (1.009 × 10-6 emu/g/0e ± 0.003 × 10-6 emu/g.0e)

*Prices are subject to change without notice

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Date created: 3/10/2002

Last updated: 8/8/2012