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Ad Hoc Query

Ah Hoc Query allows you to run customized queries on the fly against RSA data. You may run a previously saved query, or you can create a new query from scratch by choosing from the RSA forms listed below.

Used in the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) program, this is the annual report submitted by tribes.

Used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, the Annual Review Report is created by RSA each year based on data by grantees, or access the old version of Ad Hoc Query for the ARR.

Used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, the RSA-2: Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report is collected annually, or access the old version of Ad Hoc Query for the RSA-2.

Used in the Randolph Sheppard Vending Facility Program program, the RSA-15 is collected annually, or access the old version of Ad Hoc Query for the RSA-15.

Used in the Independent Living - Older Blind (OIB) program, the RSA-7-OB: Annual Report Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind is collected annually.

Used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, the RSA-113: Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report is collected quarterly, or access the old version of Ad Hoc Query for the RSA-113.

Used in the Client Assistance Program (CAP) program, the RSA-227: Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report is collected annually, or access the old version of Ad Hoc Query for the RSA-227.

Used in the Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights (PAIR) program, the RSA-509: Annual Protection & Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program Performance Report is collected annually.

Used in the State Grants for Assistive Technology (SGAT) program, this allows you to query the header information for the Annual Report.

Used in the State Grants for Assistive Technology (SGAT) program, this allows you to query the detail information for the Annual Report. Note: multiple rows may be returned for each report, one for each section.

Used in the Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) program, the RSA-661: Annual Protection and Advocacy For Assistive Technology (PAAT) Program Performance Report is collected annually.

Used in the Alternative Financing Program program, the RSA-662: Annual Report for Alternative Finance Program is collected annually.

Used in the State Grants for Assistive Technology (SGAT) program, the RSA-664 State Plan for Assistive Technology is collected annually. This options allows you to select header information for the report.

Used in the State Grants for Assistive Technology (SGAT) program, the RSA-664 State Plan for Assistive Technology is collected annually. This options allows you to select detail information. More than one row will appear for each report, one for each section.

Used by multiple programs, the RSA Grant Reallotment Form is collected annually.

Used in the Independent Living - State (IL) program, the RSA-704 Part I is reported annually by each state.

Used in the Centers for Independent Living program, the RSA-704 Part II is reported annually by each CIL (Center for Independent Living).

Used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, the RSA-722: Resolution of Applicant/Client Appeals is collected annually.

Used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, the RSA-911: Summary by FY and State Agency is aggregated in various ways.

Used by multiple programs, the Federal Fiscal Report combines data from the SF-269 and the SF-425. It is collected annually for most programs. You may also access the old version of Ad Hoc Query for the FFR.

Used in the Telework Program program, the Annual Report for Telework Program is collected annually.

Used in the Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, the VR State Plan is collected annually. This option allows you to select header and preprint information.

Produced by the Data Unit for Basic VR agencies, the Standards and Indicators are one metric used to measure agency performance. It is produced annually.

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