United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System

Research Programs

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 GRECC logo Technician and participant using special glasses for research.  
The Geriatric Research, Education and Clinic Center (GRECC) facilitates research to investigate barriers to care for the elderly to determine why therapies known to be effective are not uniformly applied.


MIRECC logo Pittsburgh version.The Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC) serves as a resource to all VISN 4 medical centers, and to the national network of medical centers, on issues related to the treatment and prevention of comorbid medical, mental-health and substance-use disorders. MIRECC aims to improve the mental and physical health, and quality of life, of Veterans with mental illness.

HERL logoThe Human Engineering Research
Laboratories (HERL)
 seeks to improve the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advanced engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation. Includesthe VA Center of Excellence in Wheelchairs and Associated Rehabilitation Engineering (WaRE).
An older man takes part in a research program at the VA.  

quics LOGO

The Quality Improvement of Patient Provider Communication for Colorectal Cancer Screening (QUICS) examines how patients and their doctors discuss the topic of colorectal cancer screening. This study aims to improve how patients and their primary care doctors discuss such screening.

CHERP logoThe Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP) develops and supports research, education and policy making that focuses on disparities related to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and co-morbid illness in patients with conditions prevalent among Veterans, including cardiovascular disease, HIV and alcohol and substance abuse.

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 Image: Blue blocks border.