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About Us

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Atlantic Division is a robust team executing the diverse missions of the Army Corps throughout 14 states in the northeast as well as throughout Europe, Africa and anywhere in the world where we are needed.

Headquartered at Fort Hamilton, in Brooklyn, New York, the division provides engineering, construction, project management and contracting services to plan, design, build, operate and maintain projects to support the military, protect America's water resources, and restore and enhance the environment. The work includes projects for international, federal, state, and local governments and agencies.

Missions are executed through six district offices, located in Concord, MA; New York City; Philadelphia; Baltimore; Norfolk, VA; and Wiesbaden, Germany.

Our projects improve living conditions and readiness for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force at more than 50 U.S. military installations in the northeast and throughout Europe. Most recently, this included more than $7 billion of work in support of the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure program.

As funded by Congress, we maintain and improve Federal navigation channels in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Norfolk harbors and support the American public with flood risk management and hurricane and storm damage reduction projects such as dams, levees and floodwalls. When called upon, we work with FEMA on disaster response.

We are proud to be the National Planning Center of Expertise for Coastal Storm Damage Reduction services, and we are continually seeking to develop, maintain and apply the best national and regional expertise in science and engineering to protect our coastlines.

We also pride ourselves with being good stewards of the lands and waters at Corps water resources projects. Our natural resources management mission is to manage and conserve natural resources, consistent with the ecosystem management principles, while providing quality public outdoor recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations.

Through deeds, not words, we are...



The North Atlantic Division is one of nine divisions worldwide, which make up the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps of Engineers is a dynamic organization with approximately 37,000 civilian employees and 650 military members. This diverse workforce provides vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy, and reduce risks from disasters. To successfully meet its broad mission areas, the Corps of Engineers comprises a headquarters office, nine division and 46 district offices, several centers, as well as one active component and two reserve component commands. These offices are located throughout the United States, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. In fall 2009, the Gulf Region Division in Iraq was inactivated, and a new division, the Transatlantic Division, stood up to manage all Overseas Contingency Operations. Two districts are now up and running in Afghanistan to support engineering and construction efforts there.