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Why are permits required?

"Any person who plans to construct any new facility or to engage in the modification of an existing facility which may emit air contaminants into the air of this state shall obtain a permit pursuant to" Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Rule 116.111 "or satisfy the conditions for exempt facilities pursuant to" Subchapter C of 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 106 "before any actual work is begun on the facility." It could take 6 to 9 months to obtain a new construction permit and 2 to 3 months to approve an amendment to an existing permit. In addition, there is usually a health effects review and public commenting period associated with the permitting process. Generally, rules regarding standard exemptions, non-attainment or New Source Review, federal New Source Performance Standards, or Hazardous Air Pollutant provisions provide guidelines for permitting requirements. There are many different types of air permits that can be obtained based on what the pollution source is. Click here to see the different types of permits.

Title V

You might hear someone talking about Fort Hood’s Title V permit and wonder what that is. Well, Title V is one of the Titles of the Clean Air Act and it requires that all Major Sources of air pollution (which Fort Hood is) apply for and maintain a Title V Permit. This is a permit that incorporates all of Fort Hood’s air pollution sources and combines them on one large permit. Fort Hood received its Title V operating permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on October 29 2001. The operating permit must be renewed every five years and requires revisions as new sources are added to the installation. Currently, Fort Hood’s Title V operating permit covers over 600 sources. Some common air pollution sources are listed beow. To learn more about the Title V rules, visit

Fort Hood sources of air pollution are:
  • Abrasive Cleaning
  • Asphalt Operations
  • Above Ground Storage Tanks
  • Miscellaneous Chemical Usage
  • Cooling Towers
  • Degreasing/Solvent Cleaning
  • External Combustion
  • Fuel Dispensing
  • Fire Training/Prescribed Burning
  • Fuel Loading
  • Internal Combustion
  • Landfills
  • Munitions
  • Open Burning/Open Detonation
  • Ozone Depleting Chemicals
  • Herbicide/Pesticide Application
  • Remediation
  • Roads
  • Sealants/Adhesives
  • Spills/Releases
  • Surface Coating Operations
  • Underground Storage Tanks
  • Welding/Soldering/Cutting
  • Woodworking
  • Waste Solvent and Fuel Reclamation
  • Waste Water Treatment
Fort Hood's air quality permits are available through the pull down menu below.

Air Permits

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