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The statistical indicator tables formerly provided in Agricultural Outlook magazine are no longer being updated. The data provided in most of those tables are maintained online elsewhere on the ERS website or by the primary data providers. Below are links to the online sources for most of the tables. Several tables have been discontinued because current data are no longer available.

  • Table Archives
  • AO Table 10-U.S. Meat Supply and Use
    • Select: Latest WASDE Report, Excel, Go to: Page 31, 32

  • AO Table 11-U.S. Egg Supply and Use
    • Go to: Eggs and egg products, Select: Recent

  • AO Table 12-U.S. Milk Supply and Use
    • Select: U.S. Dairy Situation at a Glance

  • AO Table 13-Poultry and Eggs
    • Select: Latest WASDE Report, Excel, Go to: Page 32 (Broiler & Turkey supply & use), Page 33 (Egg supply & use), or Page 31(Prices)

  • AO Table 14-Dairy
    • Select: U.S. Dairy Situation at a Glance

  • AO Table 16-Meat Animals
    • Go to: All tables in one file; Select: Excel: LDPM supporting tables
  • AO Table 32-Balance Sheet of the U.S. Farming Sector
    • Go to: U.S. Farm Income and Wealth Statistics; Select: Balance sheet of the farming sector, Excel

  • AO Table 33-Cash Receipts from Farming
    • Go to: Historical and State-Level Data-U.S. Farm Income and Wealth Statistics, Cash Receipts, U.S. tables (include details), Select: Monthly cash receipts from farming, by commodity group (included latest annual data)
  • AO Table 34-Cash Receipts from Farm Marketings, by State
    • Go to:Historical and State-Level Data-U.S. Farm Income and Wealth Statistics, Cash Receipts, State tables, Select: Monthly cash receipts from farming, by State, for crops, livestock, and total, (includes latest annual data)
  • AO Table 35-CCC Net Outlays by Commodity and Function
    • Go to: President's Budget, Select: FY 2013 CCC Table 35, Excel

  • AO Table 36-Food Sales
    • Go to: Food Sales; Select: Monthly retail sales for food at home and food away from home

  • AO Table 37-Rail Rates; Grain and Fruit-Vegetable Shipments

Data as of November 2012

    Data Set  Download as Excel
    DownloadsLast UpdatedNext Update
    Updated TablesBack to top
    Table 1—Key Statistical Indicators of the Food and Fiber SectorDownload as Excel8/28/2012
    Table 2—U.S. Gross Domestic Product and Related DataDownload as Excel8/28/2012
    Table 4—Indexes of Prices Received and Paid by Farmers, U.S. AverageDownload as Excel8/28/2012
    Table 5—Prices Received by Farmers, U.S. AverageDownload as Excel8/28/2012
    Table 9—Price Indexes of Food Marketing CostsDownload as Excel7/20/2012
    Table 39—Per Capita Consumption of Major Food CommoditiesDownload as Excel8/2/2012

    Last updated: Thursday, August 02, 2012

    For more information contact: Maurice Landes