Our EGT Staff

Steve Murawski

Goal Team Lead

Dr. Steven MurawskiDr. Steven Murawski is the Director of Scientific Programs and Chief Science Advisor for NOAA Fisheries Service, a position he has held since May of 2005. In addition to these duties, he was selected to be the NOAA Ecosystem Goal Team Lead in January 2006. As Goal Team Lead, Dr. Murawski is responsible for out-year strategic planning and budget development for all of NOAA's ecosystem activities which amount to $1.2 billion in 2008. Currently, Dr. Murawski works to move forward Ecosystem Approaches to Management (EAM) both at NOAA and in conjunction with other federal agencies and international bodies. Prior to this, he was the Director of the NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology. Dr. Murawski has considerable experience in the field of applied fisheries biology and quantitative fishery science and served as Chief Stock Assessment Scientist for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts (1990-2004). His research background is in fisheries biology, population dynamics and stock assessment. He has published over 150 reports, articles and other documents, appearing several notable journals. During his career, Dr. Murawski has been a key representative on several committees and councils. His current roles include official U.S. delegate to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, NOAA representative to the White House interagency Joint Sub-Committee on Science and Technology, and member on the Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics Program Steering Committee. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, in 1984.