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U.S. Antarctic Program - Logistics Section United States Antarctic Program
Intercontinental Airlift Schedule
LC-130 Aircraft
LC-130 Aircraft.

The following document is password protected and shares the same username and password as the Antarctic Air Operations Planning Summary. If you require access, please send an email to AirSeaSchedule@usap.gov.

Latest Airlift Schedule Link to PDF file protected area

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Continental Sealift Schedule

The following document is password protected. If you require access, please send an email to AirSeaSchedule@usap.gov.

Latest Sealift Schedule Link to PDF file protected area

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2013 Air Operations Manual

Download the 2013 Air Operations Manual below.

2013 Air Operations Manual Link to PDF file

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Antarctic Air Operations Planning Summary
Frozen Loader at South Pole Station
Frozen Loader at South
Pole Station.

The following document is password protected and shares the same username and password as the Intercontinental Airlift Schedule. If you require access, please send an email to AirOpsPlan@usap.gov.

Latest Air Operations Planning Summary Link to PDF file protected area

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USAP Airlift Conference Presentation
Research Vessel Laurence M. Gould
Research Vessel
Laurence M. Gould

The following document is password protected and shares the same username and password as the Antarctic Air Operations Planning Summary. If you require access, please send an email to AirSeaSchedule@usap.gov.

USAP Airlift Conference Presentation Link to PDF file protected area

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2011-2012 USAP Transportation Summary
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2010-2011 USAP Transportation Summary
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Shipping Information
Curator: Larry Male, ASC   |   NSF Official: Paul Sheppard, Office of Polar Programs
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