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Visa Denials

The United States is an open society. Unlike many other countries, the United States does not impose internal controls on most visitors, such as registration with local authorities. In order to enjoy the privilege of unencumbered travel in the United States, aliens have a responsibility to prove they are going to return abroad before a visitor or student visa is issued. U.S. immigration law requires consular officers to view every visa applicant as an intending immigrant until the applicant proves otherwise.

You cannot appeal a denial. However, you may reapply for a visa. Applicants wishing to reapply must submit a new application form and photo and pay the application fee. Contrary to popular belief, there are no quotas limiting the number of student or visitor visas issued. 

Click here for additional information regarding denials under section 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Further details on visa ineligibilities set forth in section 212 (a) can be found here.