Funding Opportunities

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) announces funding opportunities using various solicitations or announcements.

  • Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): A BAA announces an agency's research interests including criteria for selecting proposals and soliciting the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying the government's needs. See current BAAs
  • Requests for Information (RFIs): An RFI is used when a government agency does not presently intend to award a contract, but wants to obtain price, delivery, other market information or capabilities for planning purposes. Responses to these notices are not offers and cannot be accepted by the government to form a binding contract. See current RFIs
  • Requests for Proposals (RFPs): An RFP is used in negotiated acquisitions to communicate government requirements to prospective contractors and to solicit proposals. See current RFPs
  • Requests for Quotes (RFQs): An RFQ is a solicitation that provides in exacting detail a list or description of all relevant parameters of the requirement. RFQs are best suited to commercial products and services. See current RFQs
  • Special Notices: These notices provide information about Industry Days, other events and other information that, while not captured in one of the other funding announcements, may be relevant to a given opportunity. See current Special Notices
  • Multiple-Award Task Order Contracts (MATOCs): MATOCs were previously used by ONR for acquiring support services. As of Oct. 1, 2009, ONR now uses SeaPort-e  for acquiring support services.
  • SeaPort-e: This portal is the Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including engineering, financial management and program management. Get information on SeaPort-e.

Justification and Approvals and Sole Source Requirements

Justification and Approvals (J&As) for awards, as well as sole source requirements, are posted on the Federal Business Opportunities, or FedBizOpps, website.

Organizational Conflicts of Interest

To ensure fairness in the consideration of proposals for ONR systems engineering and technical assistance and/or support services, the naval command has implemented policies to protect against organizational conflicts of interest.

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