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NGEE Posters

Association between permafrost degradation and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in the Alaskan Arctic

Melanie S. Hahn, John Bryan Curtis, Victoria L. Sloan, Margaret S. Torn

The Arctic is projected to warm at nearly twice the rate of the global average in the coming century. Climate change can generate both negative and...

AGU Fall Meeting
Linking vegetation composition to geomorphic units in a polygonal tundra landscape: a framework for improving plant functional type representation in ecosystem models

Victoria L Sloan, Colleen M Iversen, Joanne Childs, Eugenie S Euskirchen, A David McGuire, Richard J Norby...

Fractional coverage of plant functional types within a grid-cell is a key parameter in broad-scale carbon and nutrient cycle models, but the hetero...

AGU Fall Meeting
Monitoring Freeze Thaw Transitions in Arctic Soils using Complex Resistivity Method

Yuxin Wu, Baptiste Dafflon, Susan S Hubbard, John Peterson, Craig Ulrich, Stan D Wullschleger...

The Arctic region is a sensitive system that has emerged as a focal point for climate change studies. It is characterized by a large amount of stor...

AGU Fall Meeting
Topographic Signature of Climate Change

Chandana Gangodagamage, Joel Rowland, Cathy Wilson, Steven Brumby, Benjamin Crosby, Jeff Prancevic, Philip...

The Climate gradient across the deglaciated North American continental landscape has been a major control on the trajectory of landscape evolution...

AGU Fall Meeting
Cryolithological Composition and Physical Properties of the Active Layer and Upper Horizon of Permafrost at the BEO Research Site

Alexander Kholodov, Anna Liljedahl

Effective analysis of geophysical, microbiological and biogeochemical analyzes of soils in the Arctic environment require detailed description of t...

NGEE All Hands Meeting
Physico-Chemical Characterization of Arctic Low Centered Polygonal Microtopographs

Taniya Roy Chowdhury, Baohua Gu, Dwayne A. Elias, Tommy J. Phelps, Liyuan Liang and David E. Graham...

  • Estimate of soil organic C pool in permafrost regions amount to about 1672 Pg carbon (Tarnocai et al., 2009)
  • Permafrost is rapidly w...

NGEE All Hands Meeting
Modeling leaf phenology variation by groupings of species within and across ecosystems in northern Alaska

E.S. Euskirchen, T.B. Carman, A.D. McGuire

The phenology of arctic ecosystems is driven primarily by abiotic forces, with temperature acting as the main determinant o f growing season onset...

AGU Fall Meeting
Plant-available nutrient dynamics across a gradient of polygonal tundra in Barrow, Alaska

CM Iversen, VL Sloan, J Childs, RJ Norby

  • The overarching goal of NGEE - Arctic is to advance predictive understanding of the structure and function of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems i...

AGU Fall Meeting
Scaling of hydrologic flows in polygonal ground within an Arctic ecosystem

Gautam Bisht, Jitendra Kumar, Anna K. Liljedahl, William J. Riley, Peter E. Thornton

Arctic and sub-Arctic soils currently contain approximately 1700 billion metric tones of frozen organic carbon, approximately 200 times current ann...

AGU Fall Meeting
High Resolution Characterization of Heterogeneous Arctic Tundra Subsurface Properties using a Multiscale Bayesian Fusion Approach with Geophysical Datasets

H.M. Wainwright1, S.S. Hubbard, C. Gangodagamage, J.C. Rowland, A. Liljedahl, A. Gusmeroli, B. Dafflon, C....

This work presents a data fusion method based on a hierarchical Bayesian model for integrating multiscale, multi--‐type datasets and prior knowledg...

AGU Fall Meeting
Improved Climate Prediction through Process-Rich Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems

Stan D. Wullschleger, David E. Graham, Larry D. Hinzman, Susan S. Hubbard, Liyuan Liang, Richard J. Norby,...

Characterized by vast amounts of carbon stored in permafrost and a rapidly evolving landscape, the Arctic has emerged as an important focal point f...

DOE Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Program Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) PI Meeting
A Scaling Framework Connecting Models with Process Knowledge for NGEE Arctic

Peter E. Thornton, William J. Riley, Charles D. Koven, Forrest M. Hoffman, Richard T. Mills, Scott L. Painter...

An important challenge for Earth System Models is to properly represent the land surface. This can be problematic, yet failure to identify and appr...

DOE Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Program Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) PI Meeting
Process Studies and Observations in the Arctic to Inform a Hierarchical Scaling Framework for Improved Climate Predictability

Cathy J. Wilson, David E. Graham, Larry D. Hinzman, Susan S. Hubbard, Liyuan Liang, Richard J. Norby, William...

A fundamental goal of the Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE Arctic) project is to improve climate prediction through process understandin...

DOE Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Program Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) PI Meeting
Predicting CO2 and CH4 Emissions from the Active Layer in Response to Climate Warming

Cathy Wilson, Bryan Travis, Irena Ossola, Joel Rowland, Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos...

Permafrost resides beneath 25% of the land in the northern hemisphere. An estimated 1600 GT of carbon resides in permafrost. Observations and model...

American geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011
The Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments- Arctic

Stan Wullschleger ORNL, Larry Hinzman UAF, David Graham ORNL, Susan Hubbard LBNL, Liyuan Liang ORNL, Richard...

Question: How does permafrost thaw and degradation, and the associated changes in landscape evolution, hydrology, soil biogeochemical processes, an...

NSF Workshop Schedule: Designing a Network of International Critical Zone Observatories (CZO)
Soil subsidence associated with permafrost degradation in the Arctic

Kayla Lewis, George Zyvoloski, Bryan Travis, Cathy Wilson, Joel Rowland

Arctic sources of greenhouse gas associated with permafrost degradation constitute a large uncertainty in existing climate models. Greenhouse gas r...

Fall AGU 2011
Modeling of lake and pond dynamics in discontinuous permafrost

Joel Rowland, Bryan Travis, Cathy Wilson

To date, models of talik (perennially unfrozen ground) development beneath lakes and ponds in permafrost terrain have focused on simulations with c...

AGU Annual Meeting
Transient modeling of permafrost dynamics in a changing climate

Andrew Frampton, Scott L Painter, Steve W Lyon, Ylva Sjöberg, Georgia Destouni

Analysis of permafrost dynamics is conducted with a recently developed numerical model which is capable of handling a three-phase, two-component fl...

American Geophysical Union
Micro-scale topographic controls on watershed-scale hydrologic fluxes and stocks

Anna K. Liljedahl Water and Environmental Research Center and International Arctic Research Center,...

There is a lack of multi-year field studies in low-gradient tundra landscapes that include measurements of all components of the water balance. Thi...

AGU Fall Meeting 2011
Improving Predictions of the Global Carbon Cycle and Climate in Earth System Models: New Mechanisms, Feedback Sensitivities, and Approaches for Model Benchmarking

Chonggang Xu, Rosie A Fisher, Bryan J Travis1, Cathy Jean Wilson, Nathan G McDowell

The nitrogen limitation is an important regulator for vegetation growth and global carbon cycle. Most current ecosystem process models simulate nit...

AGU Fall Meeting 2011