Marine Biofouling: Community Structure and Surface Interactions Program

The Navy has been pursuing the development of anti-fouling or foul-release marine coatings for dozens of years, yet the problem of biofouling remains one of significant economic and logistical concern. In order to comply with Uniform National Discharge Standards, other state, local, federal and international regulations, and to anticipate future regulations, ONR is supporting the development of environmentally friendly, foul-release polymeric marine coatings. The Biofouling Control Coatings program is jointly managed by the ONR Antifouling/Fouling Release Coatings program and the ONR Naval Biosciences and Biocentric Technology programs. The latter program is focused on understanding the interactions of microbial and invertebrate organisms with each other and with surfaces they colonize. Emphasis is on intra- and interspecies communication, characterization of bioadhesives and elucidating the roles of physical and chemical cues as they relate to settlement behavior and community structure.

Investigators interested in applying for funding should submit a preproposal, or discuss their ideas, with the program officer listed below.

More Information

Review a list of recent awards

Program Contact Information

Name: Dr. Linda Chrisey

Title: Program Officer

Department: Code 34

Division: Division

Phone: 703-696-4504



Program Funding

Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology 13-001

13-001 (PDF - 233.31 KB)

Amendement 0001 (PDF - 33.97 KB)

Published: September 27, 2012 04:51 PM EST | Full Proposals will be accepted until September 30, 2013 03:00 PM EST

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