Information Dominance Focus Area

Strategic Drivers: Potential adversaries are investing in advanced technologies that will challenge our advantages in the information domain. Nation states and non-state actors seek to degrade our command and control capabilities, networks and computer systems. Globalization and the exponential growth in computing and wireless communications capabilities have transformed the information environment from an enabling medium to a core warfighting capability for both naval forces and our adversaries.

Vision: Enable the warfighter to take immediate, appropriate action at any time against any desired enemy, target or network by assuring that autonomous, continuous analyses of intelligence, persistent surveillance and open information sources have, at all times, optimized the possible courses of action based on commander’s intent.

Description: Information dominance requires systems and paradigms such as the information space that assembles data, understands the battlespace and supports decision-making and operations across diverse mission areas that are physically large, exhibit dynamics and contain many objects, events and activities. Integral to achieving information dominance are flexible communications and networks architectures, as well as research and development that improve naval operations within and exploitation of the extended space domain and that provide capabilities for achieving and maintaining our communications and networks in a highly dynamic, dispersed and disadvantaged (disruption, intermittent and limited bandwidth) environment. The computational environmental architecture will provide capabilities to manipulate and interpret data to support C2, ISR and CS systems while enabling a more resilient information infrastructure through hardening the hosts, data sharing and data integrity of our networks. Spectrum dominance is a key component, which includes efforts that focus on sensors, electronic warfare and electronics, and employing these sensors and capabilities to understand and shape the battlespace, as well as disrupting the threat’s sensors from doing the same. Computer network operations provide the ability to utilize and manipulate the adversary's data for our purposes and is the complement of spectrum dominance.


Communications and Networks

  • Dynamic, scalable tactical communication networks
  • High-performance, low-cost communication solutions
  • SATCOM denial mitigation
  • Precision time and navigation

Computational Environment Architecture

  • Open source, open architecture and service-oriented architecture
  • C2/CS integration
  • Autonomous networked sensors control architecture
  • Machine reasoning and intelligence architectures

Computer Network Operations

  • Computer network attack
  • Computer network defense
  • Computer network exploitation

Information Space for Integrated C2, ISR and Combat Systems Decision Making

  • Rapid accurate decision-making for C2/ISR/CS
  • Machine reasoning and intelligence
  • Distributed mission-focused autonomy for control of large information networks
  • Data error management

Spectrum Dominance

  • Understanding the environment through sensing
  • Control of the opponent’s battlespace picture through control of the spectrum
  • Electronic protection via networking and robust sensors

Review other sections online or download the complete strategic plan.

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