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Afghani Applicants

Applicants who reside in Afghanistan

Please note that in order to provide better customer service and speed up processing times, all Afghani cases where the applicants live in Afghanistan will be able to transfer their cases to the Kabul Consulate.

This means at any time during the visa process, any IV applicants residing in Afghanistan with a case currently in Islamabad may request the transfer of his or her case to Kabul.

In order to have the case transferred to Kabul, the applicant can email the Islamabad Consulate at: Contact Us.

Once the Kabul Consulate receives the case, the Kabul Consulate will call the applicant to discuss the next steps in the process.

Please note:

  1. If you live in Afghanistan but you want to process your visa in Pakistan, you will need to interview in Islamabad and pick-up your visa in Pakistan.

    Important Notice: There are no advantages to processing your case in Pakistan. The processing times are the same.
  2. If you have already interviewed in Pakistan and are under administrative processing, you will only be able to drop off documents in Kabul up to July 1, 2012. After that, you will need to send any documents directly to the Islamabad Consulate.