Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Strategic Planning and Performance Management (SPPM)

Business Management for the OCIO


The Strategic Planning and Performance Management Staff (SPPM) provide oversight of OCIO-wide initiatives such as strategic planning and performance management. SPPM also oversees administrative functions such as budget formulation and execution, human resources, travel management, and facilities management. 

Primary Capabilities

  • Supports the CIO by leading initiatives designed to improve the effectiveness of the OCIO and its component organizations. These include broad planning efforts and evaluations of programs and operations  
  • Manages the lifecycle of the OCIO-appropriated fund budgeting process
  • Oversees budget execution and day-to-day administrative support services
  • Coordinates with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) and the Office of Budget and Program Analysis (OBPA)
  • Provides and measures customer service based on proven performance management practices for continuously improving quality of service, response times, flexibility, and value


Susan Gabriel-Smith
Management Analyst