Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, China, Volume XIX

List of Persons

  • Note: This list generally covers only the years 1958–1960. All titles and positions are American unless otherwise indicated. Where no dates are given, the person usually held the position throughout the period. Chinese names are spelled according to contemporary usage.
  • Allen, George V., Director of the United States Information Agency
  • Anderson, Robert B., Secretary of the Treasury
  • Beam, Jacob D., Ambassador to Poland; U.S. Representative in the Ambassadorial talks with the People’s Republic of China from September 1958
  • Becker, Loftus E., Legal Adviser of the Department of State until August 1959
  • Bennett, Josiah W., Officer in Charge of Political Affairs, Office of Chinese Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, January 1958–September 1960
  • Berding, Andrew H., Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
  • Bowen, General Frank Sayles, Jr., Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Taiwan, until July 1958
  • Brucker, Wilber M., Secretary of the Army
  • Burke, Admiral Arleigh A., Chief of Naval Operations
  • Cabell, General Charles P. (Lieutenant General until July 1958), Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
  • Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador to the United States
  • Calhoun, John A., Deputy Director, Executive Secretariat, Department of State, until September 1958; Director, September 1958–September 1960
  • Ch’en Ch’eng, Vice President of the Republic of China; President of Executive Yuan (Premier) from July 1958
  • Ch’en Yi, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China; Foreign Minister from February 1958
  • Chiang Ching-kuo, Lieutenant General, Deputy Secretary General, National Defense Council, Republic of China; Minister without Portfolio from July 1958
  • Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, President of the Republic of China
  • Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai), Premier of the State Council, People’s Republic of China; Foreign Minister through February 1958
  • Clough, Ralph N., Director, Office of Chinese Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, through July 1958
  • Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
  • Cutler, Robert, President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs until June 1958
  • Dillon, C. Douglas, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs through June 1958; Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, July 1958–June 1959; thereafter Under Secretary of State
  • Doan, Major General L.L., Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Taiwan, July 1958–July 1960
  • Dowling, Walter C., Ambassador to the Republic of Korea until October 1959
  • Doyle, Vice Admiral A.K., Commander, United States Taiwan Defense Command/Military Assistance Advisory Group, Taiwan, through July 1958
  • Drumright, Everett F., Consul General in Hong Kong through February 1958; Ambassador to the Republic of China from March 1958
  • Dulles, Allen W., Director of Central Intelligence
  • Dulles, John Foster, Secretary of State until April 1959
  • Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States
  • Elbrick, C. Burke, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until November 1958
  • Felt, Admiral Harry D., Commander in Chief, Pacific, from July 1958
  • Goodpaster, Brigadier General Andrew J., Staff Secretary to President Eisenhower
  • Gray, Gordon, Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization until July 1958; thereafter President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
  • Green, Marshall, Regional Planning Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, until July 1959; Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, July–October 1959; Counselor of Embassy in Korea from November 1959
  • Green, Theodore Francis, Democratic Senator from Rhode Island
  • Gromyko, Andrei Andreevich, Soviet Foreign Minister
  • Hagerty, James C., Press Secretary to the President
  • Hammarskjöld, Dag, Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • Haraldson, Wesley C., Director, International Cooperation Administration, Taipei, 1958–1960
  • Henderson, Loy J., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration
  • Herter, Christian A., Under Secretary of State until April 1959; thereafter Secretary of State
  • Huang Shao-ku, Vice Premier of the Republic of China through July 1958; Foreign Minister until June 1960
  • Irwin, John N., II, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until September 1958; thereafter Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Jones, G. Lewis, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
  • Khrushchev, Nikita S., First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Chairman of the Council of Ministers from March 1958
  • Kohler, Foy D., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, February 1958–December 1959; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Lay, James S., Jr., Executive Secretary of the National Security Council until 1959
  • Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, until July 1959; Chief of Staff, July 1959–September 1960; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Lloyd, Selwyn, British Foreign Minister until July 1960; thereafter Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Lutkins, Larue R., Deputy Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State; Acting Director, July-September 1958
  • Macmillan, Harold, British Prime Minister
  • Macomber, William B., Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations
  • Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman of the People’s Republic of China through April 1959; Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party
  • Martin, Edwin W., First Secretary of Embassy in the United Kingdom through September 1958; Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, from September 1958
  • McConaughy, Walter P., Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from December 1959
  • McElroy, Neil H., Secretary of Defense until December 1959
  • Menshikov, Mikhail Alexeyevich, Soviet Ambassador to the United States from April 1958
  • Merchant, Livingston T., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, November 1958–August 1959; Deputy Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, August–December 1959; thereafter Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
  • Morgan, Thomas E., Democratic Representative from Pennsylvania; Acting Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee
  • Murphy, Robert D., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until August 1959; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, August-December 1959
  • Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal, Prime Minister of India and Minister for External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations
  • Nixon, Richard M., Vice President of the United States
  • Parsons, Howard J., Director, Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, until April 1959
  • Parsons, J. Graham, Ambassador to Laos through February 1958; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, March 1958–June 1959; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs from July 1959
  • Reinhardt, G. Frederick, Counselor of the Department of State until January 1960
  • Rhee, Syngman, President of the Republic of Korea
  • Robertson, Walter S., Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs through June 1959
  • Sheh Chang-huan, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China through 1959; Ambassador to Spain, 1959–June 1960; thereafter Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Smith, Gerard C., Assistant Secretary of State for Policy Planning; also Department of State Representative on the National Security Council Planning Board
  • Smoot, Vice Admiral Roland N., Commander, United States Taiwan Defense Command/Military Assistance Advisory Group, Taiwan, from August 1958
  • Sprague, Mansfield B., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs through September 1958
  • Steeves, John M., Political Adviser to CINCPAC until March 1959; Consul General, Hong Kong and Macau, March-October 1959; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs from October 1959
  • Taylor, General Maxwell D., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, through June 1959
  • Tong, Hollington K., Ambassador of the Republic of China to the United States through July 1958
  • Twining, General Nathan F., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until September 1960
  • Wang Ping-nan (Wang Bingnan), Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Poland, 1958–1960; Representative of the People’s Republic of China in Ambassadorial talks with the United States from September 1958
  • Wang Shu-ming (“Tiger” Wang), General, CAF, Chief of the General Staff of the Republic of China through June 1959; Vice Chairman, Military Strategy Advisory Committee, from June 1959
  • White, General Thomas D., Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
  • Wilcox, Francis O., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
  • Yeh, George K.C. (Yeh Kung-ch’ao), Foreign Minister of the Republic of China through July 1958; Ambassador to the United States from September 1958
  • Yu Ta-wei, Defense Minister of the Republic of China
  • Zhou Enlai, see Chou En-lai