
Mica Announces New Funding For Orlando International Airport


WASHINGTON, DC -- Congressman John L. Mica, Chairman of the US House Aviation Subcommittee, today announced two federal grants for Orlando International Airport for a total of $6.9 million. The first is for $4,585,000 to acquire security equipment, and the second for $2,337,750 to acquire land for noise mitigation.
"Security is clearly a critical priority for the airport," Mica said, "and these funds will help keep our airport from becoming vulnerable to terrorists."
Although the exact use of the funds cannot be disclosed for security reasons, these monies will primarily be used to improve access controls and keep unauthorized persons from entering secure areas of the airport.
"Noise mitigation is also an important environmental priority for the airport, and these monies will be well spent in reducing the impact of noise on the surrounding community," Mica also noted.
Orlando International Airport has a $6 million noise mitigation project, to which the new federal monies will contribute. The program is targeted to reduce noise from runways 8R and 36L which impact the Conway community on the north end and Weatherbee and Boggy Creek Roads on the south end. With these funds, OIA can buy homes outright or install soundproofing if a property owner prefers.
"Our airport is a vital economic force in our community and I am pleased that the federal government can participate in concrete ways in making sure we have a safe and environmentally sound facility," Mica said.