
Mica Announces Federal Funds Increase for Central Florida Airports

Mica Announces Federal Funds Increase for Central Florida Airports
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Congressman John L. Mica (R-Winter Park) today announced that the Orlando Sanford Airport and the Daytona Beach International Airport will receive substantial increases in federal support through Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds.
"This increase will greatly assist these centers of transportation. AIP funding is particularly important for regional airports such as Orlando Sanford and Daytona Beach International," Mica said.
This week, House and Senate negotiators reached an agreement on the FAA Authorization Bill (H.R. 1000) that sets federal spending levels, including AIP entitlement funds, for the nation’s aviation programs. The majority of aviation funding comes from the Aviation Trust Fund, which is funded through the collection of an airplane ticket tax.
The House-Senate agreement ensures that the Aviation Trust Fund will be used exclusively for aviation purposes, so that all ticket taxes and user fees can be invested back into airport runways, facilities and construction. Congress passed similar legislation in 1998 to ensure highway trust funds are dedicated to the improvement of the nation’s roadways.
"I am pleased that in addition to balancing our nation’s annual budget, we have been able to bring fiscal responsibility into the use of highway improvement trust funds, and now also for the Aviation Trust Fund," continued Mica.
Mica was also able to secure a legislative provision to help the Daytona Beach airport use some of these funds toward payment of its debt for terminal construction and other airport improvements.
Mica is a member of the Aviation Subcommittee which developed and led the effort to pass H.R. 1000. The measure is anticipated to be approved on the House and Senate Floors in the next one to two weeks.