
Mica Announces Cleared Runway Funding

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (FL-07) announced today that the FAA has approved $9 million for runway improvements at the Daytona Beach International Airport.  These airport improvement trust fund dollars are welcome news after overcoming initial delays in moving forward with the project.
         “I am pleased to be able to help clear up issues raised by the FAA that would have kept the project from moving forward and delay this important project,” said Rep. Mica.  “This news means we will save taxpayer dollars by completing the whole runway expansion and receive a substantially discounted bill for the improvements.”
        Mica has worked with Volusia County officials and airport leaders to clear red tape that held up the project and threatened a delay that would have required incurring additional costs.  The $9 million for runway improvements at DBIA are necessary to continue service at the airport, which has seen the numbers of passengers increase every month this year.
        Congressman Mica concluded, “At this time when we need a boost in jobs and employment, the release of these trust fund dollars is most welcome.”