
DeLand Receives Disaster Assistance

U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (R-7th District) today announced that the City of DeLand is receiving nearly a million dollars in reimbursement for disaster assistance and debris removal following the 2004 hurricanes.

“These funds are long overdue and follow up on commitments that were made by our State and Federal Governments to help our communities recover from storm damage,” stated Rep. Mica. “More help is on the way.”

The City today received nearly $919,000 in federal funds to help offset costs associated with debris removal and disaster recovery efforts following Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne. Including the new funds, the City has now received a total of $2.7 million in federal and State disaster assistance for the 2004 hurricanes. DeLand may be provided an additional $350,000, pending a final review by the State Department of Community Affairs.

Following each of the 2004 hurricanes, the City performed emergency debris removal and worked to assist citizens who lost or suffered damage to their homes and businesses. While the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided federal funds to the State of Florida, a number of federal and State requirements led to a delay in funds being granted to the City. Rep. Mica has been working with local, State and federal officials over the past several weeks to cut through red tape and ensure DeLand receives its funds.

Rep. Mica also helped secure FEMA assistance for DeLand following the tornadoes of Christmas Day and February 2nd. In fact, after the State’s request for federal assistance relating to the Christmas Day tornado was turned down, the Congressman worked with Governor Crist to appeal FEMA’s decision. FEMA reversed its position on February 9th, the only appeal that has been granted in the last three years.