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The officers are women and men responsible for safely operating the research vessel. They are trained in ship handling, navigation, weather observation, safety, and shipboard emergencies. The Captain, or Commanding Officer (CO) is in command of the ship. The Executive Officer (XO) handles the administrative functions of the ship, hires and/or dismisses employees, supervises all department heads (with the exception of the Chief Marine Engineer), and acts as the ships safety officer. The Operations Officer (OPS) handles logistics with scientific parties, making sure scientific activities can be performed aboard the ship. The Navigation Officer (NAV) is in charge of navigation equipment, nautical charts and publications, meteorological data, and maintaining the overall condition of the bridge. The Junior Officers take care of all the other unassigned duties. All the NOAA Corps officers and stand watches on the bridge.


Executive Officer - LCDR Michael Levine

LCDR Michael Levine joined the NOAA Corps in 2002 after being introduced to it through working at the National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, MA. He previously was a junior officer aboard NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter and has sailed as Operations Officer and Executive Officer of NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson.

His land assignments have been as Marine Operations Officer for Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary in Port Angeles, WA and Executive Officer of the NOAA Small Boat Program in Seattle, WA. He has a Bachelor's degree in biology from Colby College and a Master's degree from Boston University.

He enjoys being on the water but also loves hiking and skiing in the woods and mountains wherever his NOAA career has taken him.


Operations Officer - LT Ben LaCour


Navigation Officer - ENS Jennifer Barre

Ensign Jennifer Wegener came to the NOAA Corp from the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources and Environment; where she was a Senior Environmental Quality Analyst responsible for water quality regulations and emergency response activities.

ENS Wegener graduated from Saginaw Valley State University of Mid-Michigan with a Bachelor’s of Science; major in Biology, with minors in Chemistry and Criminal Justice. She was also pursuing her Master of Business Administration at Northwood University’s, DeVos School of Business management when she left for officer training. She first became interested in joining NOAA Corps while working with a NOAA Corps officer and the US Coast Guard on oil spill response preparedness. Her love of the water and desire to work to improve the environment made the NOAA Corps a good fit.


Junior Officer - ENS Rico Rodriguez


Junior Officer - ENS Ryan Belcher

Is currently serving aboard the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter stationed in Pascagoula, Mississippi. He previously reported to the NOAA Corps Officer Training Center on 4 February 2012, to begin training as a member of BOTC 119. The son of career Army officers, he eagerly accepted a direct commission in the NOAA Commissioned Corps following graduation so that he could continue his family legacy of service to his country. Although NOAA is his first professional position, ENS Belcher conducted RADAR climatology research during his Stony Brook Research Experience for Undergraduates.

ENS Belcher graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology with a minor in both Mathematics and Oceanography. He claims Belton, Texas, as his home and it was there that he earned his Eagle Scout and Sea Scout Quartermaster Awards through the Boy Scouts of America. His love of weather, which started at a young age, propelled him to his undergraduate field and discovery of NOAA as a career option.

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•  Updated: August 2, 2012

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