NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter Banner

Welcome to the Gordon Gunter

Science Users Page

Photograph courtesy of Emma Hickerson, Flower Banks Marine Sanctuary

The fisheries and oceanographic research vessel Gordon Gunter is a 224-foot Class III T-AGOS capable of operating a variety of biological and oceanographic sampling gear. Propulsion power is by twin 800 horsepower electric motors driving twin inboard rotating propellers that are 8 feet in diameter with fixed blades of variable pitch and an electrically powered tunnel bow thruster.

Gordon Gunter primary mission is to provide a working platform for scientific surveys of the health and abundance of living marine resources. The ship's principal operating area is the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea. The Gordon Gunter is capabale of collecting data on fish, marine mammals, the ocean environment, and marine habitats and is acoustically quieted and serves as an excellent platform for observing marine mammals.

The following information should help with the planning and execution of your research project on the Gordon Gunter:

•  Return to Gordon Gunter's Home Page
•  Updated: March 28, 2012

•  Return to Marine Operations Home Page
•  Inquires and Comments
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