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Fisheries Behavioral Ecology - Focal Species

Fisheries Behavioral
Ecology Program (FBE)
Staff and Students
Research Topics
Fish and Environment
Fish Habitat
Bycatch Mortality
Fishing Gear
Program Facilities
Focal Species
Field Studies
Program Publications
Site Map

The Fisheries Behavioral Ecology Program was initiated with studies on salmon and walleye pollock, but has expanded over more than 25 years to include research with a wide range of species that have economic significance North Pacific and Bering Sea.  Currently, our research emphasis is focused on the species listed here:

Photo of Walleye Pollock          Walleye Pollock

Photo of Northern  rock sole          Northern Rock Sole

Photo of Pacific halibut          Pacific Halibut

Photo of Pacific cod          Pacific Cod

Photo of hooked sablefish          Sablefish

Photo of lingcod          Lingcod




Last updated 27 March, 2009

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