Exhibit 16: Additional Capabilities Requiring Laboratory Information Management System Support

LIMS FeatureDescription
Support multiple DNA technologies. Some LIMS products actually store the DNA profile associated with the sample. If the response employs several DNA technologies, the LIMS must support the various profile types (e.g., STRs, mtDNA, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)).
Allow samples to be tracked on multiple microtiter plates. One sample may have numerous extracts. Depending on the types of DNA technology conducted, a sample may appear on multiple microtiter plates (e.g., STR plate, mtDNA plate, SNP plate, various reextraction plates). This feature is particularly important if extracts are shipped to partner laboratories.
Allow one sample to have multiple sample numbers. Each sample in a mass fatality response will have several different sample numbers, each assigned during a particular business process. These sample numbers are actually references into other databases.

For example, the software used at the family assistance center will assign each sample a number and the laboratory’s accessioning program will assign a different number. Or, partner laboratories may assign their own number (and barcode) as they accession samples.
Support shipping and receiving samples and data from partner laboratories. The LIMS should be able to:
  • Build shipping manifests that contain samples or DNA extracts.
  • Track the sample (or microtiter plate) as it moves among partner laboratories.
  • Track when the DNA results and physical samples are returned.
Segregate mass fatality data from regular casework. The laboratory most likely will want to segregate the mass-fatality data from regular casework data so management reports and metrics are not merged and can be analyzed independently.