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National Service Blog
Community HealthCorps Aids Sandy Relief Effort

This post originally appeared on the Community HealthCorps blog on November 8, 2012. The Community HealthCorps is a national AmeriCorps program that promotes health care for America's underserved, while developing tomorrow's health care workforce.

Community HealthCorps Navigators serving through the Institute for Family Health (IFH) have been involved in Hurricane Sandy Relief in a variety of areas in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Jersey City.

They have cleaned out basements in New Jersey of homes flooded by the hurricane and cleaned the Hudson River Parkand Prospect Park of debris, mud, and fallen branches. A Navigator assisted overburdened animal shelters by walking dogs and cleaning cages, and another organized clothing donations in Howard Beach and Ozone Park that collected 20 bags of clothing for residents of Far Rockaway.

To the right is a photo of three Navigators at Hudson River Park: Alum Natasha Miller, Deirdre Horvath, and Lianne Salcido. Lianne said, “Dede, Natasha, and I volunteered with the Department of Parks and Rec down at Hudson River Park today. We worked with other volunteers to clean up debris that were left in the park after it had been submerged under four feet of water. We also washed the mud away. The people from parks and rec were really impressed because they were only expecting 10 people, but over 100 volunteers showed up.”

Two of our Navigators assisted with bringing food and water to residents trapped in high-rise apartment buildings in Chinatown and other areas without power. They went door-to-door checking on tenants to make sure there were no medical emergencies.

“The individuals were extremely thankful, as many have not been able to leave since they lost power and were in desperate need of supplies,” said Navigator Jourdan Carboy.

Miriam Wood is the Community HealthCorps Program Coordinator at the Institute for Family Health.

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