
Month: January
Dates: 3d Monday
Observance: Martin Luther King Jr., Birthday
Authority/comment: Public Law 98-144, Nov. 83 (Federal holiday)

Month: February
Dates: 1-28/29
Observance: African-American/Black History Month
Authority/comment: First Presidential Proclamation,

Feb. 76

Month: March
Dates: 1-31
Observance: Women's History Month
Authority/comment: Public Law 100-9, Mar 87

Month: April/May
Dates: Sunday to Sunday for Week Incorporating Yom HaShoah
Observance: "Days of Remembrance" for Victims of the Holocaust
Authority/comment: Public Law 96-388, Oct. 80

Month: May
Dates: 1-31
Observance: Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Authority/comment: First Presidential Proclamation,

May 91

Month: August
Dates: 26
Observance: Women's Equality Day
Authority/comment: First Presidential Proclamation,

Aug. 73

Month: September/October
Dates: 15 Sep. - 15 Oct.
Observance: National Hispanic Heritage Month
Authority/comment: Public Law 100-402, Aug. 88

Month: November
Dates: 1-30
Observance: National Native American Indian Heritage Month
Authority/comment: Public Law 102-188, Mar 92

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