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Federal, State, and Tribal Liaison Programs

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State Liaison Program

Under the State Liaison Program, the NRC coordinates activities of interest to State, local, Indian Tribe governments, and other Federal agencies with NRC offices and keeps the Commission and staff informed of significant State actions. The NRC regularly consults with the Governor-appointed State Liaison Officers (SLOs) and maintains contact with representatives of State public utility commissions, National Governors Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners to identify NRC regulatory initiatives affecting States and to keep the NRC appraised of those organizations' activities. The NRC negotiates memoranda of understanding with States on various NRC and State activities involving mutual cooperation ("Policy on Cooperation with States at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants and Other Nuclear Production or Utilization Facilities," 54 FR 7530, February 22, 1989, and amended to address adjacent States, 57 FR 6462, February 25, 1992). This policy sets out the general framework for cooperation with States by routinely keeping Governor-appointed SLOs informed on matters of interest to the States and responding to all requests from States in a timely manner. The policy identifies the SLO as the primary State contact for all requests involving observation of NRC inspections of plants or facilities. The SLOs are the NRC's primary point of contact with the States regarding all relevant NRC decisions and actions. State liaison activities are primarily implemented through the NRC's Regional Offices by the Regional State Liaison Officers (RSLOs) with policy and program guidance provided by the Office of Federal and State Materials and Environment Management Programs. The NRC hosts a national SLO meeting every three years. Regional SLO meetings are held on an as-needed basis.

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Liaison with Native Americans

NRC Press Release - October 4, 2006, announced formation of the Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (formerly known as the Office of State and Tribal Programs). NRC is committed to implementing programs by acknowledging the sovereign rights of Federally-recognized Native American Tribal governments. NRC maintains government-to-government communications with those Tribes, as well as with their national organizations, who are potentially affected by, or otherwise interested in, NRC regulatory activities. Tribal interest in nuclear related activities provides for case-by-case exchanges of information on specific issues related to NRC's policy and regulatory authority, primarily in the areas of high and low-level radioactive waste storage, transportation, disposal, and reclamation. NRC also maintains a cooperative relationship with the National Congress of American Indians and cognizance of their related activities.

Tribes also receive Commission information of general interest via the FSME e-mail list server.

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Federal Liaison Program

NRC establishes and maintains effective communications at the policy level between NRC and other pertinent Federal agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), and the Department of Interior. As prescribed by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), NRC staff communicates NRC analysis and comment on matters related to NEPA procedures and implementation to the CEQ and provides coordination within NRC on those matters, including environmental justice.

As prescribed under the National Historic Preservation Act, NRC staff maintains communication with officials at the National Park Service and the Historic Preservation Advisory Council and prepares NRC's response for the Secretary of the Interior's Annual Report to Congress on Federal Archeological Activities.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, September 28, 2012