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Director's Meeting Materials

Administrators' Workshop Materials

CIMSS logo6th Annual Cooperative Institutes
Administrators' Workshop & Directors' Meeting

June 6-8, 2007
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin

A meeting of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) Cooperative Institutes (CIs) directors and administrators was held at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, to discuss topics of mutual interest to the CIs and NOAA. Representatives from each of the NESDIS CIs and the Cooperative Remote Sensing Science & Technology (CREST center were in attendance, in addition to staff from NOAA/NESDIS and the NOAA Grants Management Division. The meeting consisted of briefing the attendees on guidance and policy updates that directly impact the research and administrative process of each of the CIs, including the NOAA CI review procedures. The attendees also participated in an excellent tour of the campus. The meeting concluded with a list of action items from both NOAA and the CI, which will be posted on this web site. The action items list will be updated periodically to record the responses.


  • Tom Achtor, CIMSS
  • Steve Ackerman, CIMSS
  • Phil Arkin, CICS
  • Michelle Brown, NOAA / GMD
  • Steve Goodman, NOAA / NESDIS
  • Ingrid Guch, NOAA / NESDIS
  • Rosalie Jones, CICS
  • Jeff Key, ASPB
  • Reza Khanbilvardi, CREST
  • John Knaff, CIRA
  • Patty Mayo, NOAA / NESDIS
  • Mary McInnis-Efaw, CIRA
  • Shakila Merchant, CREST
  • Paulette Moss, NOAA / GMD
  • Al Powell, NOAA / NESDIS
  • John Roberts, SSEC
  • Jenny Stepp, SSEC
  • Ted Strub, CIOSS
  • Amy Vandehey, CIOSS
  • Maria Vasys, SSEC
  • Wenhua Wu, CIMSS

Attendees at the Cooperative Institute's Administrators' Workshop, June 2007:

group photo from Cooperative Institutes Administrators' Workshop, June 2007 First row: Wenhua Wu, Shakila Merchant, Patty Mayo, Maria Vasys, Rosalie Jones;
Second row: Jenny Stepp, Tom Achtor, Ingrid Guch, Paulette Moss, Michelle Brown, Amy Vandehey, Mary McInnis-Efaw, Steve Goodman

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