Trends on Tuesday: App Attack!

Agencies can look at what people are currently doing on mobile to help with their own mobile services investment decisions. comScore released their 2012  Mobile Future in Focus Report with data on popular apps.

iPhone Top Mobile Apps: YouTube, Google Maps, Facebook, Yahoo! Weather, Pandora Radio, Angry Birds, Yahoo! Stocks, ESPN ScoreCenter, The Weather Channel, Google Search, Words With Friends, Netflix, Fruit Ninja, Twitter, Movies by Flixster, Facebook Messenger. Android Top Mobile Apps: Google Search, Gmail, Google Maps, Facebook, Google News and Weather, YouTube, Pandora Radio, Angry Birds, Adobe Reader, Words With Friends, Twitter, Yahoo! Messenger, Amazon Appstore, Yahoo! Mail, Google Talk, The Weather Channel

source: comScore Mobile Metrics Data

A few ideas to take away.

  • People like to be entertained. On both platforms games and video watching are popular.
  • People are looking for information that is timely and needed. That explains the importance of both search (What is this?) and maps (Where am I?).
  • Weather is VERY important. Seriously, people like the convenience of looking in their pocket for the latest weather report. The use case is quick and frequent data checking. Also in this category, sports scores and stocks.
  • Last is a caveat.  It’s hard to count apples to Apples on this list. For example, two e-mail apps are tops in Android, none for iPhone. But that doesn’t mean that iPhone users are not using email, it’s that iPhone has users download email into their own client.

You can download the entire report from comScore here. Registration is required.

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