Trends on Tuesday: Phone a Friend

More than half of adult cellphone owners used their phones in stores this holiday season while deciding what to buy, according to new research released by Pew Internet. They called friends for advice, looked up product reviews and even comparison shopped–sometimes skipping the in-store purchase and buying online.

38% of cell owners used their phone to call a friend while they were in a store for advice about a purchase they were considering making 24% of cell owners used their phone to look up reviews of a product online while they were in a store 25% of adult cell owners used their phones to look up the price of a product online while they were in a store, to see if they could get a better price somewhere else

While these purchasing trends are not exactly about mobile gov, you smart readers can see how the use of mobile devices–and that need for anytime, anywhere information is shaping the public.

People are looking for point of service information. Let’s say you are  a national park, museum or  historic site, people unable to find information about your hours or amenities may go to a different attraction nearby because their information was easily available. Or, your agency has the mission to improve nutrition, how does this point of service information gathering affect how you deliver information? What if someone took a picture of a vegetable and was able to get nutrition and storage information? Or could see it on their plate?

Tell us other ideas in the comments.

Read the report from Pew Internet and the American Life Project.

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