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NASA Office of Small Business Programs, Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR)

First Time Participants

The NASA SBIR and STTR programs provide an opportunity for small, high technology companies and research institutions (RI) to participate in Federal Government sponsored research and development (R&D) efforts in key technology areas.


When a decision is made to participate in the SBIR and STTR programs, a firm must submit a proposal in response to the annual Solicitations. The Solicitations are the definitive information source for funding under these programs and provide all the information needed to submit proposals.


One of the goals of the NASA SBIR/STTR programs is that the technical projects in the selected proposals lead to capabilities that expand the business base of small businesses while delivering project results of value to NASA. The information below is designed to assist the small business with all aspects of working with the NASA SBIR/STTR program.

NASA Participants

There are a number of ways NASA employees can become involved with the SBIR/STTR Program. If you are a NASA employee, you are eligible to participate. Whether you are a NASA program participant with a specific technology need, a NASA technology innovator, or a NASA technology transfer specialist, the information within this site may be able to help you.

Technology Consumers

Whether you are a government or private sector technology user looking to see if a small business has a “widget” to solve your problem, or someone interested in investing in a high technology small business, the NASA SBIR/STTR Program may be able to help you.


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