Office of Coast Survey - Nautical Charts

The Office of Coast Survey is a component of the National Ocean Service which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (NOAA).  This Office has a long history as the oldest scientific organization in the United States, having its foundation as far back as 1807.

Today the Office of Coast Survey is known for the navigational products which are required for the safe and efficient maritime commerce in and out of our Nation's ports.

Since 1807, when it was established by Thomas Jefferson, the original Survey of the Coast and now NOAA has provided coastal navigation services, revolutionizing marine transportation to help move increased cargoes and passengers safely and efficiently.  In the last 50 years, ships have doubled in length, width, and draft and waterborne commerce has tripled, leading to increased risk.  NOAA's goal is to meet the mariners and pilots emerging technological needs by providing them with the tools for safe navigation.

The Office of Coast Survey maintains a distributed presence in the Northeast at the Narragansett Laboratory for its customers. This field representative serves as the primary contact for mariners located between New York City and the Canadian border to ensure NOAA's navigational products meet the needs of mariners.  In addition, this field representative works with laboratory personnel in providing specialized chart products and navigation expertise.

For further information, contact Cmdr. Andrew Beaver: Andrew.L.Beaver@Noaa.Gov

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