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Programs and Resources

Headquarters Marine Corps

Assistant Deputy Commandant Programs, Major General Mark A. Brilakis
Major General Mark Andrew Brilakis is currently assigned as the Assistant Deputy Commandant (Programs), Programs & Resources Department, HQMC.

Graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and was commissioned through the Platoon Leaders Class in May 1981.

Assignments in the Operating Forces include: Battery Officer, 1st Battalion, 10th Marines; Battery Commander, Battalion FDO, and S-3, 5th Battalion, 10th Marines; Naval Gunfire Control Officer and Assistant Supporting Arms Coordinator, Commander, Amphibious Group Two; Future Operations and MAGTF Planner, G-3, II MEF; Executive Officer, 10th Marine Regiment; Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, 10th Marines; Commanding General, 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Deputy Commanding General, III Marine Expeditionary Force, and Commanding General, 3d Marine Division, Camp Courtney, Okinawa.

Assignments in the Supporting Establishment include: Company Officer and Commanding Officer, Company A, and Course Developer, MCI Company, Marine Barracks, Washington DC; and Commanding Officer, Weapons Training Battalion, Training Command.

Headquarters and Staff assignments include: Status of Forces Officer, Plans, Policies, and Operations Department, HQMC; Head, Program Development Branch, Programs and Resources Department, HQMC; Director, European Liaison Office, Headquarters, U.S. European Command, and Deputy J-3, United States European Command.

Military Education: Amphibious Warfare School; Command and Staff College; School of Advanced Warfighting; and CMC Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies. Masters in Military Studies, Marine Corps University.