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Equipment Piece of the Week: Interceptor Body Armor (IBA)

Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) is a modular protective system consisting of an outer vest, ballistic plates, and attachable components that increase the area of coverage. IBA can stop or slow bullets and fragments, thus reducing the number and severity of wounds. In addition to its protective qualities, IBA is designed to provide Soldiers with lighter-weight comfort and greater maneuverability.

The Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) provides protection from fragments and 9mm rounds. Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert (ESAPI) plates worn inside the front and rear to protect vital organs and Enhanced Side Ballistic Insert (ESBI) plates provide additional coverage as they protect the wearer’s sides between the front and rear ballistic plates. The X-Threat Small Arms Protective Insert (XSAPI) and X-Side Ballistic Insert (XSBI) plates were designed to meet near-term emerging threats and provide additional ballistic protection against more lethal small-arms rounds. The plates can withstand multiple small-arms hits, including armor-piercing rounds.

Deltoid protectors compatible with the IOTV extend protection from handgun and fragmentation to the upper arm area. The IOTV has throat and underarm protection built in, with lower back and groin protection that can be added as needed.

The side-opening IOTV has an increased area of coverage over the OTV. It includes multiple adjustment points to improve fit, weight distribution, and load-carriage capabilities. A single quick-release added to the front of the vest allows a Soldier to remove the IOTV and its attachments with one pull. The IOTV comes in 11 sizes, including three tall sizes. A medium IOTV provides 1085 square inches of fragment and ballistic protection.

Learn more about the IBA.

Posted in Equipment Piece of the Week, Protection and Individual Equipment.

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