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1st Marine Logistics Group

Victory Through Logistics

CG's Hazing Policy


Commanding General's

Hazing Policy

Each member of the United States Marine Corps had that one moment when she or he was handed an Eagle, Globe and Anchor and for the first time was called Marine. At that moment, the title was earned… for life. We each became a fully vetted and equal member of the world’s most renowned fighting force. Nothing from that moment on; no MOS, no qualification, no unit, no medal, no rank; requires any Marine to justify that title or undergo any type of initiation. Nothing is more important or more special than the title Marine.

Unfortunately, there are occasionally those in our ranks who forget this and feel that some element of our Corps requires something more. They mistakenly assume that some segment of our Corps is more special than another. They assume that some rite of passage is needed to reflect their self proclaimed importance and set themselves apart from other Marines. Compounding this mistake, these rites are often cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning or even harmful. When they impose this on others, or when any of us tolerate this behavior by others, it is hazing.

Hazing tears at the fabric of our Marine Corps. Hazing doesn’t foster a sense of cohesion, it separates and segments us. Hazing doesn’t demonstrate fidelity, it demeans and degrades. Hazing doesn’t reflect leadership, honor or courage; it glorifies the gutless false bravado of bullies who have somehow found themselves in positions of formal or informal authority.

Hazing will not be tolerated in the 1st Marine Logistics Group. No Marine or Sailor in this Command will engage in hazing, consent to acts of hazing being committed on them, or tolerate hazing by or on others. Every one of us has a responsibility to protect the honor inherent in the title Marine by stopping and reporting instances of hazing. No one will suffer reprisal for taking action against acts of hazing. Commanders will ensure all of our Marines and Sailors understand the intent of this letter and MCO 1700.28A. Every member of this Command will be treated with genuine dignity, fairness and respect. Semper Fidelis.

Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps

CG's Policies