Congresswoman Cheri Bustos

Representing the 17th District of Illinois
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Jobs, Economy & Small Business

We need to get America back to work. Too many families are still struggling today and enough is enough.  For too long, lawmakers have been looking out for themselves instead of looking out for the middle class. I want to focus on job creation and economic growth, not on scoring political points by handing out special favors.

In addition to strong and growing businesses, we need strong and healthy labor organizations. Without labor unions, it is my belief that we would not have a middle class – and today both are in a downward trend. We must stop this.

Revitalizing the Manufacturing Sector

Focusing on lowering the unemployment rate is not enough. We need to create jobs that provide livable wages and good benefits. This means more manufacturing jobs.

I support the creation of a “Manufacturing Triangle,” to promote manufacturing and innovation throughout the region.  With the Quad-Cities, Rockford and Peoria as manufacturing center anchors, we have the number of skilled laborers in the work force as well as the existing infrastructure and innovation capacity to expand our region into a national hub of manufacturing growth.

Leveling the Playing Field

America has the best workers in the world, but they are competing on an uneven playing field that leads to jobs being shipped overseas to China, India and around the world.  I believe we should end unfair trade deals and repeal incentives for corporations to move jobs abroad.  The Patriot Employer Act would eliminate incentives for firms to outsource jobs and promote domestic manufacturing.  This is a good first step to leveling the playing field.  I will push for more common sense measures like this so that we can reverse incentivized job offshoring.

Helping Small Businesses Expand

Small businesses are the drivers of job growth and the bedrock of our communities and I will fight for proposals that strengthen and allow small businesses to thrive.  I support a permanent extension of the research and development tax credit.  Additionally, regulations for small businesses with less than 100 employees should be examined to eliminate unnecessary, onerous rules that inhibit innovation and stifle growth.

More information

See also information on Jobs and resources for Businesses.

More on Jobs, Economy & Small Business

Feb 12, 2013

By Preston Maddock
February 11, 2013

A laid-off employee from a company owned by Bain Capital will join Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) as her guest at the State of the Union address on Tuesday.

Dot Turner was one of 170 workers at Sensata Technologies' Freeport, Ill., plant who had their jobs offshored to China last year. Turner had worked at the plant for 43 years.

Feb 11, 2013
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) announced that Dot Turner, a laid off Sensata worker from Freeport, will be her guest to President Obama’s State of the Union address tomorrow.
Jan 28, 2013
In her first trip to Galesburg after being sworn in to her freshman term in Congress, Rep. Cheri Bustos tested her blue collar skills at Carl Sandburg College’s welding simulator. While the work might not be for her, the in-demand trade and others like it could be what aids local employment numbers, Bustos said.
Jan 10, 2013
Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) held meetings in Rockford with Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey and the Rockford Economic Development Council.