GEOPAK Road Tools

GEOPAK has developed a set of very handy icons, referred to as GEOPAK Road Tools.   These can be accessed by invoking the TOOLS dialog.   Although throughout the "Knuckleheads Guide" I refer to accessing the applications via the pulldown menu, I encourage you to get familiar and to use the new GEOPAK Road Tools icons.

Screen shotTo invoke this dialog select....APPLICATIONS > GEOPAK ROAD > GEOPAK ROAD Tools.

Note:  All applications accessed via the "pulldowns" may also be accessed via it's "Tools" icon.

The TOOLS dialog is broken into 8 icon groups.   Each of the groups can be "torn off" or accessed by holding down on the mouse and sliding across.  

Beginning at the upper right corner of the dialog and proceeding clockwise, this is the layout:

Horizontal and Vertical Geometry

Screen shot
  • COGO
  • Graphical COGO
  • Horizontal Alignment Generator
  • Store Graphics
  • Auto Store Graphics
  • Subdivision Wizard
  • VPI Based Vertical Alignment Design Tools
  • Component Based Vertical Alignment Design Tools
  • Legal Description Editor

Plans Preparation

Screen shot
  • Plan View Labeling
  • DP Station Offset
  • Draw Transition
  • Draw Cell by Feature
  • Draw Cell Group by Feature
  • Pavement Markings
  • Profile Labeling
  • Draw Profiles
  • Draw Profile Tabular Data
  • Plan/Profile Sheet Composition
  • Tables

3D Tools

Screen shot
  • Drive Through
  • 3D Modeling
  • Passing Sight Distance

Utilities and Conversions

Screen shot
  • Text Editor
  • GeoTech Tools
  • Conversion Tools (when pressed, this icon invokes it's own dialog):
    Screen shot

Cross Sections

Screen shot
  • Cross Section Navigator
  • Run Cross Sections
  • Draw Cross Sections from Surfaces
  • Draw Cross Section Tabular Data
  • Draw Ancillary Features
  • Cross Section Labeling
  • Cross Section Reports
  • Earthworks
  • Limits of Construction
  • Draw XS Cells
  • Shape Manager Tools (See the tear off dialog below:)
  • Draw Pattern by Station Range
  • Draw Pattern from Cross Sections
  • Cross Section Sheet Composition

Shape Manager

Screen shot
  • Automated Superelevation
  • Autoshape Builder
  • Shape Maker
  • Shape Analyst
  • Shape Profiler
  • Shape Editor
  • Shape Selector
  • Shape Properties
  • Shape to DTM


Screen shot
  • Brings up the DTM Tools dialog

Design and Computation Manager

Screen shot
  • Design and Computation Manager
  • Quantity Manager.  Created for FLORIDA DOT.

Project Manager

Screen shot
  • Project Manager
  • Active Chain Control
  • GEOPAK Application Attribute Viewer (Used for identifying "plan view" elements.)
  • 3PC AdHok Attribute Manager