CSV Report (3D Data)

This report will generate an electronic CSV file that can be manipulated by others for use in electronic staking and machine controlled construction. It is now the current WFLHD Standard electronic file format to be provided to the contractor.

Use the Project Manager (PM) and the Reports & XS Quantities button to invoke the XS Report dialog ...

Or using the MicroStation pull downs: APPLICATIONS > GEOPAK ROAD > CROSS SECTIONS > REPORTS

Project manager screen shot

The XS Report dialog will appear as shown below.  Click User and get the Report Header Dialog box. The Report Header information is not used when the CSV file is generated so the header boxes do not need to be checked or filled.  The recommended Tolerance has been 0.25 with a Display Radius of 4.0.  Depending on the complexity of proposed XS elements these fields should be adjusted to best fit conditions. Always close Report Header dialog boxes for information to be accepted

 When finished, click Blue & Red Top on the XS Report dialog.

XS Report Dialog with 'Blue and Red Tops' highlighted   Report Header dialog showing tolerance and display radius

This brings up the Blue & Red Top Report Dialog box as shown below:
Toggle the type of report to be generated, located at the left of the directory path, to CSV.

Blue and Red Top Report dialog

Choose the Job number from the spyglass and Chain from the dropdown.

If you want notes for the entire chain, highlight the Begin Station field and press delete.   The application will automatically set this field to the beginning station of the chain.   Repeat this for the End Station field.   You may also simply key in a desired station range.

Using and properly configuring the Project Manager for Working Alignments will preload the appropriate Existing Ground Line element symbology.  This is recommended.  If you're not using the PM you will need to click on the symbology button shown below and manually input existing ground line symbology using a dialog.

Screen shot

Once again you can configure the PM and Working Alignments to preload all the appropriate Proposed Finish Grade element symbology. However there will be several Proposed Finish Grades to be targeted by this report such as Red Tops, entire Subgrade (Blue Tops) and maybe intermittent pavement layers such as Yellow and Pink Tops.  To enter Proposed Finished grade manually, click the button to the left of the Display button and identifying the elements graphically, using the Match button as shown below.

See Proposed Finish Grade Element Symbology Tips under the XYZ Report help page.

Screen shot

Proposed finished grade dialog

Click on the Text button as shown below:

Screen shot

The Blue and Red Top Text Set dialog box appears as shown below.

Blue and Red Top Text Set dialog box

If you're using FHWA criteria... you will have text placed on your cross sections on a level named X_Text_Search.  Review your cross sections and key in the text to search for and its description.   Press Add or Delete after each entry.   To Modify an entry, simply highlight the entry, adjust the values in the white fields and click Modify. When finished, these entries can be saved in ProjectWise as a .lis files to be used or edited later.  Do this by clicking on the File pulldown.

These text nodes will generate the actual point data so be diligent on your text and symbology selection.

I do not recommend checking the Span or the Reference Chain. The Separator needs to be a comma and the Report Decimal should be 2 for US Customary and 3 for Metric.  Check the Pause on Each XS initially to verify target pavement levels.

Screen shot

Click the spyglass next to directory path window to activate the ProjectWise Select a Wizard dialog.

Select No Wizard

ProjectWise File Import Wizard

Define Name and File Name and enter a Description.

ProjectWise dialog box

When finished...   Click Apply.

Hints and Best Practices:

  • ProjectWise does not write over existing files, so if attempting several runs you will have to change the name and file name
  • Close Blue & Red Top Report dialog after report is complete. ProjectWise creates and checks out file as soon as a file is defined and closing dialog releases the file but does not check it in.
  • Always be sure ProjectWise Name and File Name match exactly including extensions i.e. .dgn, and .csv. etc...
  • Check your data.  This format was chosen for the data's ability to be verified.

Sample raw CSV file

Sample Raw CSV File shown in MSExcel

Example headers added for clarification

Sample Raw CSV File with headers shown in MSExcel