Red-Light Running

Red-light running is a serious intersection safety issue across the nation. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Traffic Safety Facts 2008 Report, there were more than 2.3 million reported intersection-related crashes, resulting in more than 7,770 fatalities and approximately 733,000 injury crashes in 2008.

Car running ride lightNHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) reports that red-light running crashes alone caused 762 deaths in 2008 (click here to learn more about how red-light running is defined and how crash figures are determined). An estimated 165,000 people are injured annually by red-light runners. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that half of the people killed in red-light running crashes are not the signal violators. They are drivers and pedestrians hit by red-light runners (Source: Status Report, Vol. 42, No. 1, IIHS, Jan 2007). The following statistics further amplify why red-light running is an issue that requires nationwide attention:

  • Ninety-seven percent of drivers feel that other drivers running red-lights are a major safety threat (Source: National Survey of Speeding and Other Unsafe Driver Actions, Vol. 2: Findings, Report No. DOT HS 809 730, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, May 2004. [HTML])

  • One in three people claim they personally know someone injured or killed in a red-light running crash (Source: A Nationwide Survey of Red-Light Running: Measuring Driver Behaviors for the “Stop Red-Light Running” Program, Old Dominion University, June-August 1999. [PDF 205 KB])

This web site provides information and resources developed by FHWA to help State and local agencies, communities, and citizens combat red-light running.

Policy and Guidelines
Find policies and guidelines related to red-light running and red-light running/automated enforcement at this link.

Data and Statistics
Data and statistics related to red-light running and countermeasures, including and red-light running cameras/automated enforcement, are available at this link.

Technical Assistance and Tools
This section includes technical assistance and practical tools to help combat red-light running.

Research and Publications
This link features FHWA-sponsored research and technical publications related to red-light running and red-light running cameras/automated enforcement.

Outreach Support: Implementing a Stop Red-Light Running Program
Provides educational and outreach materials to help raise awareness about the dangers of red-light running including a Step-by-Step Guidebook for implementing a Stop Red-Light Running program or campaign, some ideas for how communities can support National Stop on Red Week, and supporting marketing materials such as presentations; public service announcement (PSA) scripts for radio and television; sample press releases; letters to support coalition-building and media support materials.

Red-Light Cameras/Automated Enforcement
Automated red-light enforcement using cameras has shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of red-light running and the number of red-light running crashes. This link provides information regarding camera technology, implementation examples, and frequently asked questions on the topic of red-light cameras.

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Program Contact

Jeffrey Shaw


What’s New

South Carolina Case Study: Systematic Intersection Improvements

Roundabout Outreach and Education Toolbox

Stop-Controlled Intersection Safety: Through Route Activated Warning Systems

Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, Second Edition (NCHRP Report 672)

Roundabouts Peer-to-Peer Assistance

How to drive a roundabout (WSDOT)

Modern Roundabouts: A Safer Choice


FHWA's Intersection Resources Library CD-ROM

Roundabouts Technical Summary

Mini-Roundabouts Technical Summary

Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections Technical Summary

Intersection Safety Case Studies

Intersection Safety Technologies

Presentation: Intersection Safety

Example Intersection Safety Implementation Plan

Intersection Safety Implementation Plan Workshop

Example Data Analysis Package and Straw Man Outline