Friday, September 3, 2010

Gel, Aerosol, and Stick Deodorant: Which can I take in my carryon luggage?

I’ve been seeing a lot of questions about what kind of deodorant can be taken in your carry-on baggage. So similar to my razor post from a few weeks ago, I’m going to clear things up a little. I’ll try to keep this sticky subject interesting by incorporating some dry humor. Get it? Dry… Deodorant... My apologies for stinking up this post with that failed attempt at humor. Rolling on…
Photo courtesy of photographphil
@ Flickr

Stick deodorant is fine in any size.

Gel deodorant and aerosol/spray deodorants must be 3.4 oz or less and placed in a quart sized baggie. Larger sizes can be placed in your checked luggage. I’ve often heard that shaving cream and aerosol deodorants have a tendency to leak in checked baggage, so it might be a good idea to place personal use aerosols in a leak-proof bag so you won’t end up with a mess.

I’ve also read concerns from travelers who have had trouble locating deodorant in 3.4 oz or less sizes. Most major department stores and drug stores have a travel size section now. You can find deodorant as well as many other toiletry items in travel size containers.

Have a good Labor Day weekend!


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Anonymous said...

Hey Bob, Can you lead the charge on making it mandatory that these deodorant be used prior to all flights? Perhaps you can work with the FAA to require the air waitresses to check boarding passes and odor levels prior to admission to any multi-passenger aircraft. ... please! Maybe TSA could donate the large size deodorants you collect to a smelly passenger fund and they could be checked out like a library book at the gate?

Anonymous said...

Why do you care about the size of deodorants, since liquids pose no threat to aircraft?

Ayn R. Key said...

Anonymous, that was hilarious but you had best be careful making that sort of suggestion. They just might take you seriously.

George said...

Stick deodorant is fine in any size.

Yet another disconnect between what the Propaganda Department says should be allowed and what the inconsistently-trained TSO at the checkpoint doesn't allow.

You see, my "last straw screening experience," which convinced me the TSA and its War on Liquids is worthless, concerned deodorant. Specifically, the "Crystal" brand, which isn't merely a "stick" but a SOLID crystal. It's also an expensive, hard to find brand, which I use because I'm allergic to the zirconium in most other brands.

The TSO who pawed through my bag found my deodorant. That apparently was the only "suspicious" item he found. He told me that it was prohibited because it wasn't in the Victory Baggie. (And he never explained what triggered the "bag check." I assume the secret SOP doesn't entitle passengers to know why the officer felt it necessary to rifle their belongings.)

When I protested that it was SOLID, he turned his voice up several decibels and informed me that "Deodorant is a liquid." I thought for a moment and then asked whether I might put it in the Victory Baggie, since there was room for it. He turned his voice up a few more decibels and bellowed "Do you want to fly today? If you do, I'll take the deodorant now. And next time you'll remember that deodorant goes in the Ziplock, right?" Since I wanted to get home, and there just wasn't time to rent a car and drive across the country, I eagerly accepted his generous offer to let me voluntarily abandon my deodorant. And I've put my SOLID deodorant in my Victory Baggie ever since, since this courteous, respectful, and highly professional officer was a most effective teacher!

I can only guess that whoever trained the officers at this airport in "passenger education," "DYWTFT," and the "crescendo voice" techniques decided to simplify the rules so that TSOs with limited intelligence might better understand them. "All deodorant is liquid" is presumably easier for them to grasp than the complicated intricacies of sticks, gels, or sprays. That's the only explanation I can think of for how I was treated.

Of course, this was a few years ago. Maybe since then the team of experts at Headquarters in charge of writing the secret SOP section concerning deodorant changed the rules in response to the latest intelligence?

Regardless, it won't change my opinion of the TSA. This was my second encounter with a TSO who enforced a secret "interpretation" of the liquid restrictions on me, and responded to my question about it with DYWTFT. The first one one involved a one-ounce bottle of sunscreen that wasn't in a manufacturer's labeled bottle, a requirement not mentioned on the TSA website. I was willing to forgive and forget one such incident, but not two.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you'd better warn your staff stick deodorant is OK. They tried to take mine away. I only got to keep it after I complained to a supervisor.

Anonymous said...

Bob, this may be off topic but since it's related to prohibited items.....

Can you start a separate post for the "TSA App". There are several idiosyncrasies that need to be addressed - Like when I type in "Ice", "Dry ice" comes up 1st (as it should) but the 2nd item on the list is "electronic communications devices" ?!?
"Ice" also links to "medical alert device", police baton, service animal, service dog ...

I realize that the letters I.C.E. appear in each of these but is that really the kind of search engine you guys are using?

When I put in "Kubaton" - the search returns nothing.

Also, for my nearest airport I get a "no wait time reported" which is OK but then I get a pop up asking ME to enter wait times! Are you guys serious? I can link to any airport, enter ridiculous wait times and the app will post them as gospel?!? That can't be right!

Anonymous said...

Over three years later and people still can't get it right...

Adrian said...

Why are aerosol deodorants banned? They aren't liquid or gel...

Steve said...

My stick deodorant is confiscated more often that not. So, do the bloggers here not understand the rules, do the TSA employees not understand the rules, or are there no rules and you just do whatever you like? Seems to be the later.

Anonymous said...

I hope this is TSAs way of testing the market for a launch their line of "Abundance of Caution" beauty products, and leaving the security guard business.

MarkVII said...

George's "last straw" experiences involved LGA and 3-1-1, and so did mine. A few stories follow, spread across separate posts to stay within Blogger's length limit.

Story #1

My girlfriend and I are going through security, and I hear the infamous call for "bag check".

We walk up to the tail end of conversation between another passenger and the screener. Both are rather brusque with each other in their tone. Passenger leaves. Screener comments loudly to another screener about how rude that last passenger was to her. (I'm thinking that the screener's tone with that passenger set no example. Neither did loudly making that comment in public.) Screener starts to look in my girlfriend's carry on, and here's the dialog from there.

Screener: Are any "liquids gels or aerosols" in the bag?

Heather: no

Screener: Is there anything metal in the bag or anything I might poke herself on?

Heather: (holds hand above bag, and points to rear pocket) There's a nail file in that back pocket.


Heather: I not touching the bag. I'm just pointing to the pocket where my nail file is. I don't want you to get stuck.

Screener: (yelling louder) DON'T TOUCH THE BAG WHILE I'M SEARCHING IT !

Heather: Fine, whatever. (puts her hands at her side.

Screener: (after encountering a tube of lipstick, yelling) THIS HAS TO BE IN YOUR ZIPLOC BAG.

Heather: Fine, I'll put it in there. (Starts to put lipstick in her ziploc, which was pretty full.)

Screener: (no longer yelling, but with smug satisfaction) Your ziploc has to be able to close. (obviously thinking "gotcha")

Me: I've got plenty of room in mine. (I place lipstick in my ziploc, close the top, and hold it up for screener to see. My turn to think "gotcha".)

Screener: (Walks away without saying a word.)


1. The yelling was totally unnecessary and unprovoked. We were being cooperative and trying to play the game by the rules.

2. Heather was concerned by for the well-being of the screener, as evidenced by wanting to make sure she didn't get poked by the nail file. The screener reacted by yelling.

3. At that time, the TSA threw "liquids, gels and aerosols" around like a catch phrase, but the TSA web site didn't define what this means in real world terms. (I got on the Way Back Machine web site to see the TSA page as of early 2008 -- lots of mention of "liquids, gels and aerosols", but no definitions of mention of common problematic items.

qui custodiet ipsos custodes

MarkVII said...

Mark's "last straw" stories, continued.

Story #2

Heather and I are going through security together. I start the bags through the x-ray, and screener #1 calls for a bag check on one of Heather's carryons. She goes on through the metal detector to resolve the situation, while I hang back to make sure our stuff gets into the x-ray OK (especially not wanting to let my notebook PC out of my sight). Here's the dialog from there:

Screener #1: (pulls a tube of mascara out of carryon, starts yelling) THIS HAS TO BE IN YOUR ZIPLOC BAG.

Me: (I'm through the metal detector and join Heather. Screener #1 has left to go look at the x-ray machine as more bags come through.) Are we done?

Heather: I'm not sure. She made it sound like they want to re-xray my bag without the mascara. I don't want to just walk away if they're not done.

Me: Yeah. Don't want to give them any excuses.

Screener #2: (Walks behind us, and bellows out) THE LINE IS BACKING UP. EXPEDITE GATHERING YOUR BELONGINGS AFTER THEY GO THROUGH THE X-RAY MACHINE. (He shoots a look of contempt at us and continues to where screener #1 is at the x-ray machine)

Me: (I catch the eye of screener #3, who is standing to the side wearing blue gloves and doing nothing. He immediately looks away and stares into space.)

Me: (Quietly to Heather.) Let's get out of here. That guy wants people to expedite gathering their stuff, so I'll take that as our cue to leave.

Me: (Projecting my voice straight at screener #3) Since he left, I guess they're done with us. Let's get out of here.

Screener #3: (No response. Continues to stare into empty space.)


1. Screener #1 yelled when a normal tone of voice would have gotten the job done. I could hear her yelling from the other side of the metal detector.

2. Screener #1 gave no clear indication that we were free to go, and we didn't want to look like we were trying to sneak away. The thanks we got for trying to cooperate was screener #2 yelling, when he could have asked us if there was a question or problem. You don't have to yell when you're standing beside us, and spare me the dirty looks.

3. Screener #3 was less than ten feet away when Screeners #1 and #2 were yelling, so he had to know what was going on. By avoiding my gaze, he gave the impression that he did not want to help.

4. When I got home and was looking in my bag, I found a 1 oz tube of sunscreen in my carryon that Screener #1 had missed. So much for their self-righteous attitude. If minimal contents of a tube of mascara is such a threat to aviation security, that's nothing compared to a 1 oz sunscreen tube.

5. Again, the yelling was totally unnecessary and unprovoked. We were being cooperative and trying to play the game by the rules.

These and other experiences are why I stopped flying.

qui custodiet ipsos custodes

P.S. Ironic that my CAPCHA for this post is "tortur"

Anonymous said...

" Adrian said...
Why are aerosol deodorants banned? They aren't liquid or gel...

September 4, 2010 10:06 AM"
THIS is why we have issues at the checkpoint!

And what is inside that can?

weaklyflyer said...

Unfortunately I appear to be allergic to most deodorants. The one brand that I am down to doesn't come in a travel size and isn't always available at my destinations.

So now I am forced to check my otherwise small and "liquids approved" bag each time. I fly about 45 weeks a year. This nonsense adds at least 20-30 minutes to each side of each trip. Even the low ball estimate means that the TSA is responsible for wasting 30 hours of my life every year.

At some point this farce has to stop.

Debra said...

I travel to Stlouis mo. and in leaving the TSA officer advised me that my cream make-up,deodorant,lotion and more. I travelled international and Domestic. I left Orlando went to Ft. Lauderdale then to St Louis. When leaving St Louis the agent when through my suitcase let I was a criminal. She took out my lipstick everything out of my makeup. She kept there for over 20 mins. OMG.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous of Sept 3, 2010 really needs to consider the chemical reaction undergone by aircraft grade aluminum when exposed to certain compounds and materials that are 'liquids'. It also behooves me to point out that there are some non-explosive liquids that are capable of generating extreme amounts of damage to aircraft structural components. Some of them are byproducts of biological processes.

As an aside, do TSO's qualify under 8 C.F.R. § 287.5 and/or INA § 287(a)(1), 8 U.S.C. § 1357(a)(1) as cognizant authorities?

Also, do the 'sterile zone pounce and search squads' that descend on already cleared passengers at the gate, demanding secondary search and identifications checks, function contrary to the precedents set down by United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 422 U.S. 873 (1975); in similarity to United States v. Rogers, 436 F. Supp. 1 (E.D. Mich. 1976)? Please note that both of these court decisions determined that 'that the Fourth Amendment prohibits identification stops by roving patrols that are not based on articulable suspicion of illegal activity'. Simply being present at a gate does not appear to provide reasonable suspicion, however under INS v. Delgado, 466 U.S. 210, 216 (1984) did determine that '[i]nterrogation relating to one’s identity or a request for identification by the police does not, by itself, constitute a Fourth Amendment seizure.'. However, given that all individuals present at the gate have previously been cleared, directly or indirectly, said 'pounce and search' teams do, to a reasonable person, appear to violate search & seizure protections when examined from the viewpoint of the aforementioned decisions.

One also must entertain Florida v. Bostick, 501 U.S. 429, 437 (1991) citing Michigan v. Chesternut, 486 U.S. 567, 573 (1988). See also
United States v. Mendenhall, 446 U.S. 544 (1980); Brendlin v. California, 551 U.S. 249 (2007) in that these cases determined that an
individual 'is “seized” when, in light of all the circumstances surrounding the incident, a
government official makes a person reasonably believe that he is not at liberty to leave the
official’s presence.

omars said...

So many anecdotes of TSA breaking its own rules, and being spectacularly rude to its customers (many of whom are also taxpayers, so are footing the bill).

What actions are being taken to discipline TSA employees breaking your own rules? Often we of the flying public don't want to say anything because then we'll be singled out for harassment, possibly miss a flight, end up on a no-fly list, or whatever. Very often I've wanted to tell DHS employees of various stripes to mind their manners... or loudly add a "please and thank you" to the end of each of their shouted diatribes.

So, what discipline is being undertaken? Is there any legal reason I should be any more polite to these people than these people are to me? Do you need to add some basic manners to your basic training??

jb said...

"many of whom are also taxpayers, so are footing the bill"

Actually, I - as a non-taxpayer in the US - pay for the security at airports through the security charge on my ticket.

I also pay for the US to advertise itself as a welcoming destination with the $15 that I'm now required to pay for an ESTA authorisation

Anonymous said...

What is the definition of "gel" deodorant?

Anonymous said...

I am really surprised at the lack of clear language and consistency here. The lack of management and organization does little to give me any sense of faith in these security forces. Meanwhile I am now spending most of my evening feeling anxious about how to manage my solid stick of Old Spice deodorant in my upcoming trip. It is absurd and this all represents so much waste.

Bob said...

2 things - why would Arm & Hammer solid stick 2.8 oz deodorant packaging say "TSA Friendly" on it if there should not be a problem with it not being in the 3-1-1 bag anyway?
Secondly, people are getting the liquid thing all wrong - it's not the actual liquid that should be in the container that is the problem, it's what someone could drain and substitute in that container that is the problem - which was how we got in this mess in the first place.

pamela said...

Sooo...Can you please clarify: does the solid deodorant HAVE to be in my quart baggie, or can it fly with the rest of my non-liquid personal items?

Anonymous said...

Pamela, technically, under the rules, you don't have to put it into the baggie, but just as TSO officers are usually crabby, and pick on you as much as they can, put the deodorant into the baggie, you do not want to miss your flight by arguing with the TSO people.

Anonymous said...

Can someone point me to where on the main TSA page, in some official capacity, it says solid deodorants are allowed?

I don't see it mentioned in the prohibited items, and I don't feel like having my stuff taken away without being able to rub their rules in their snotty little faces.

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm....... Just want to point out that 4 airplains killed thousands of people because TSA was a little to blah blah blah in protecting the passengers. To put it plain and simple I like to travel with my children if it means saving their lives they can x ray, scan, scream, rant & rave. And if people don't like it, there are plenty other methods of transportation that you can choose from. I mean really I don't want to call my family for thr last time from a doomed plain because people are concerned about the exposure, if you don't like like drive, walk, run, train, or boat it. But by all means if your gonna fly quit complaining and appreciate the security. They have lots of lives on their hands so cut them some slack.

Anonymous said...

I live in Hawaii. There are NO other "methods of transportation that you can choose from" if I want to get off the island. But thanks for trying!

Lachesis said...

No anonymous, four planes kills thousands of people ten years ago because those in the intelligence community who recognized the signs of an impending terror attack were unable to convince those in a position to stop it to take them seriously.

We are no safer today than we were eleven years ago. The TSA's "security theatre" closes security holes only after an attack is stopped by other means. People hiding bombs in their shoes, underwear, and shampoo might have a bit harder time of it now, but there's nothing to stop a suicide bomber wrapped in TNT and ball bearings from walking into LAX and blowing up right outside the long lines of businessmen and families queued up waiting for security to check if they have an ounce of liquid in the wrong place.

The TSA has gotten much better at preventing the last attack, but only behavioural profiling security and more air marshals can stop the next one.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure they have boats that leave Hawaii and sail away from the island, so there are other methods, yes.

I still don't know if I can take my solid deodorant that's larger than 3 ounces and if it has to be in or out of the quart baggie.

Anonymous said...

Once I put my chapstick in the ziplock baggie out of an abundance of caution. I got yelled at to remove it from the baggie as it is a solid. Sometimes you can't win.

Anonymous said...

Most solid (and gel) deodorants are 74g (2.6oz). Therefore either way they meet the 100-1-1 requirements. For those new to FAA regulation, 100g/100ml is equal to about 3.4oz (100g and 100ml are so close that most governments treat them as interchangeable for flight security). Aerosol deodorants can be double that amount or more (and too big to fit in the quart/liter baggie anyway in most cases).

While we are on the subject of common aerosol products, shaving cream can either be purchased in a 100g canister or you can take a shaving brush and solid shaving soap/mug instead. For Middle Eastern travelers most brush-required shaving creams in a tube are 100g or slightly less as well (tubes of brush-required shaving creams are popular there). For Turkish, UK and French travelers most shave sticks (Arko, Palmolive and Speick respectively) are considered a solid, are very convenient for traveling and do not fall under 100-1-1. When I travel I use an empty toilet paper roll to store my shaving brush. A large prescription bottle with a hole in the cap and bottom works as well. One more quick comment that is shaving related -- disposable one-piece razors are cheap in many countries (about two dollars in the US for bags of ten) and do a passable job of shaving for travelers (they just take a bit longer to shave with as they have to be rinsed every time they clog).

Anonymous said...

>Stick deodorant is fine in any size.

That's a meaningless statement. Is it allowed in the carryon bag, or does it have to be in the 3-1-1 bag? This is so freaking typical of the TSA.

Recep said...

All the yelling stuff aside, I am baffled with why people insist on carrying all that stuff with them anyway? You can always buy yourself whatever you need once you get wherever you are going to... What if you live a few hours without a deodorant? That way you will not experience the stress involved at the baggage check...

Rob said...

To Anonymous of September 20, 2011 6:07 PM regarding boats as an "other method of transportation" to and from the Hawaiian Islands: Please keep in mind that there is over 2000 miles of ocean between Hawaii and the west coast, with a average sail time of two weeks. So while it is obvious that a boat can make the trip, it is hardly practical.

Debra J. said...

When in doubt just put it in the bag! I have a trip planned in April and will only be using a small carry-on (no checked bags). So, I came to the TSA site to see if my stick deoderant needed to be in the bag (it is not a gel). It doesn't need to be in the bag, but after reading all the problems, I will put it in there anyway. I also plan on just buying a few things at my destination (trip is for a week) and maybe doing a load of laundry, too. To travel safely, I rather be as compliant as possible! I only have had one TSO be rude and it involved a travel size toothbrush that by xray she seemed to think it was a liquid, so she ordered a bag search. The TSO doing this was nice and apologetic and handled this smoothly. Since then I carry a regular toothbrush!

Anonymous said...

The (short-sighted) person who said to either take it up the wazoo or find another mode of transportation should pause a moment and think things through thoroughly before dismissing others objections out of hand.

People who travel for business seldom have a choice (I've actually asked if I could drive to certain destinations rather than fly; it was summarily denied).

Worse, some bosses object to traveling employings checking any bags on short trips because all the baggage fees airlines have now add to the cost, and because waiting for your checked baggage delays you getting to your destination (i.e., back to work ASAP).

So, figuring out what you can take on the plane with you is no trivial matter. It's a significant challenge which the practical business traveler has no choice but to overcome.

And judging by the comments, it's a moving target, depending on the intelligence and (more likely) egotistical baggage of the TSO.

The really funny part is I'm still not sure whether my stick deodorant needs to fit in the frikkin' baggie or not. Looks like I could get admonished and humiliated either way I go.

Charlene said...

Recep, a trip to China is more than a couple hours. We're talking 24-40 hours. I like to brush my teeth and freshen up somewhere in that time. And buying deodorant is not a guarantee when you get there!

Michael Moro said...

When traveling within the USA, you're better off just buying a trial size at a local CVS when you get to where you're going. Unfortunately, it can be pretty dicey when flying overseas, so it looks like you'll just have to go along with the screeners and the "expertise" in handling these things....

Anonymous said...

No, it is impossible to find a 3.4 oz men's deodorant spray. 4.0 is the (smallest) standard. Need to make exception or increase to 4.0 oz.

Jacob Saldinger said...

Complain all you want, but I tend to agree with the mantra of "If you don't like it, find another mode of transport."
I've worked in the transportation industry for almost a decade, and htis means I deal with TSA on a daily basis as a part of my job. I would like to remind everyone, flying is not protected under the consitution, it is a privilege, you are not entitled to it. Now, if it isn't practical to use another mode of transport, then deal with the regulations. It isn't fun, and it may not be fair, but you don't realize how easy you have it versus people like me (air freight exporters) who have to deal with TSA in a much more intensive manner.

Mel V said...

I travel pretty regularly for work, and have had to deal with this issue.

If the deodorant is a solid, then it is not part of the 3-1-1 rule. It isn't restricted for size & doesn't have to be in the baggie.

If it is a roll-on, a gel (including "gel stick") or a spray, it is subject to the 3-1-1 rule.

But it seems the machines can't always determine whether it's a solid or a gel, so a TSO has to look at it/read the label to be sure.

So I always keep my stick deodorant next to my Ziploc bag, and take both out before I run the bag through the machine. On those rare occasions that someone looks at the deodorant, its a quick glance & a nod and then I'm on my way. No hassle & no time lost.

Anonymous said...

Please explain why TSA employees WEARING DIRTY GLOVES are allowed to search my toiletry kit. Doesn't the USA government mandate health standards through FDA, OSHA, Public Health Service, etc. The TSA employee running the scanning equipment said she wasn't concerned about the item in my kit, just curious. Turns out it was a finger nail clipper. I was totally shocked at how dirty the gloves appeared. My blood pressure gets higher and higher at check in time.

Anonymous said...

Well, I must say I actually enjoyed your so called "dry humor". Hahaha. Keep it up. ;)

Nick said...

Perhaps you'd better warn your staff stick deodorant is OK. They tried to take mine away. I only got to keep it after I complained to a supervisor.

Anonymous said...

I've carried through 3.5 fl oz contact solution through the scanner before. And I NEVER EVER have used a plastic bag.

Anonymous said...

I've flown from a small airport in Wyoming to/from Las Vegas, Tucson, or Phoenix numerous times and once from Billings to/from New Hampshire, all over the past 2-3 years.

I have always put my teeny tiny solid deodorant in the quart baggie w/ my other (mostly) teeny tiny personal items - to err on the side of caution, and it's also much more convenient for me to get out & put back just one container, given all the other things I've had to bring with me in my carryon. I've never been told to remove it from the baggie & I've never had it questioned as to whether it was an "allowable item."

Just wanted to say that I've had a pretty good experience so far with TSA. The only times I've been held up (well, more than usual) was that the last 3 times I've had one of my legs patted down - the scanner apparently had a hard time "seeing" through the pants seams or leg pockets - and once I received a "random" GSR residue swipe on my palms.

I am among all of you, disliking or even abhoring all the falderall (esp. removing/putting back on my belt & shoes - I feel like I'm partially disrobing/dressing in public). And, as an engineer & scientist, I know that if someone wants to inflict damage, they're gonna find a way - most, if not all, this TSA "precautionary" stuff really only makes it more difficult for someone to do so, but it certainly doesn't make it impossible.

The other side of all this is that we plane passengers are now virtually disarmed - with increasing gun control laws we are being disarmed in our daily lives, and now we are disarmed when we travel by air - leaving us, in virtually every aspect of our lives, at the mercy of criminals who have weapons illegally, or to be protected en masse by just a select few who are "allowed" to have weapons... This makes me more worried than ever that we are already very much living in a police state, and wondering what's still to come...

Overall though, I think the TSA personnel are doing a good job dealing with an extraordinary number of rules & regs, which are changing & increasing all the time. Also, with the extraordinary numbers of fliers, and all the languages, customs, etc., and situations they must encounter - I know I wouldn't want to do their jobs!

Anonymous said...

It is likely that contact solution would fall under the medical liquids exemption. Also 3.5 ounces is so close to 100ml (3.4 ounces is equal to 100ml) that a checker may not notice it if it were in your victory baggie anyway. I would humbly suggest placing the bottle in a Zip-Loc type bag in the future as the caps on some contact solution bottles are notorious for coming uncapped in luggage even though TSA does not require a separate victory baggie for exempt liquids. No need for wet and chemically scented clothing due to a cap failure.